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Montessori School and Traditional School

S.L. asks from Washington DC

i really like montessori school however, my husband and I have different opinion about it. He just wants to find somethign that is cheap. our household income is ab...


Pre School

L.P. asks from Sarasota

I would like to find a good Pre School, not daycare, in the North Port/Port Charlotte/Venice FL area. Does anyone know of any?


School Lunches

J.T. asks from Chicago

This year our school is really hitting hard on the kids bringing healthy snacks, I'm all for this. However the school lunches are still the same chicken nuggets, pizz...


School Lunches

K.M. asks from Chicago

Do you send you kid to school with a home made lunch? What is a typical lunch? How would you react if your child's school said no more packed lunches? This is go...


School Clothes

2.O. asks from Washington DC

Another Kindergarten type question.... Since my daughter will be starting Kindergarten soon I'm starting to collect school clothing for her - some new + some give...


Boarding School???

B.F. asks from New York

My daughter (7th grade) wants to go to boarding school for high school. The "apartments" are the size of a bedroom. Instead of sharing rooms, every student has their ...


Looking for a School

J.D. asks from New York

my family will be moving to the toms river area later this summer and I am looking for advise for a school for our 7 year old son. He is currently in catholic school ...


School Districts

J.E. asks from Oklahoma City

My daughter is 3. We don't yet own a home, but are looking to buy before she starts school. I would really appreciate any commentary or advise any of you would offe...


When Does Your School Get Out?

S.R. asks from Denver

Just curious when school ends around the country. Our last day is the 28th this week, but I know some charter schools got finished on the 21st. This seem really ear...


School's Responsibility

D.D. asks from Dallas

My son had a fall from one of the play structures at his Montessori pre-school and broke his collar bone. Does the school have any responsibility in this case? His ...

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