during naptime

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Toddler Getting Out of Bed During Naptime

K. asks from Denver

Hi! My son just learned how to get out of his bed (single bed with bedrails). I can't get him to stay in his bed during naptime which leads to no nap. He seems/loo...


How Do You Get Around the Naptime Thing?

S.F. asks from Utica

I have family gettting married in Vegas and long story short we are NOT going but it got me thinking that if we were to go what on earth would we do with our DD for n...


I Need Advice About Naptime! Help!

A.W. asks from Minneapolis

Hello! I love this website and have found lots of advice from previous asked questions..but I guess I am still feeling like I need some reassurance that I am doing t...


Need Advice on Toddler Naptime

A.H. asks from San Francisco

My daughter will be 2 at the end of this month and lately naptime has been completely miserable for us both. As of this moment, she's been in her crib for an hour and...


Naptime for a 3 Year Old

T.H. asks from Portland

Okay, age old question... At what point do I give in? It's nonstop complaining, fake crying, getting out of bed, playing with toys, reading books, singing songs -...


Wrong to Punish a Child at Naptime?

M.C. asks from Charleston

My daughter just turned 3 and she has always been a difficult sleeper. I need to know if I'm worng here. She naps without problem every day during the week at presc...


Seeking Advice on Naptime

N.F. asks from Albuquerque

Here's my current routine: I pick up my 3 1/2 year old from Montessori school and we drive home. He, my nine month old and I have lunch right away. After lunch, we...


Suggestions for Naptime

K.D. asks from Boston

I am hoping to get some suggestions for how to help my 12month old sleep for longer at naptime. She has consolidated her naps to 1 nap a day. I lay her down in her ...


Naptime Nightmares!

C.B. asks from New York

I have 13-month-old triplets and recently naptime has been crazy! They wake up at 6am, and take their first nap around 9am. Though sometimes they don't take that nap ...


Transition to a Big Girl Bed - Having Difficulty at Naptime

K.S. asks from Boston

HI! Just wondering what other moms' views are on this issue and how may I help my daughter. We just got a big girl bed for her (she's 3 YO - I know, I'm probably sup...

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Answer Highlights

  • gave up morning naps in 2 answers "I can't remember when we gave up morning naps, when we did give them, they were an ..."
  • healthy sleep habits in 3 answers "I was surprised to read in the Healthy Sleep Habits book that one of the suggestions ..."
  • skip the morning nap in 2 answers "I agree, definitely, skip the morning nap, feed them an early lunch then put them ..."
  • dropping the morning nap in 2 answers "I don't think it would hurt to try dropping the morning nap, but it might not work."
  • put him back to bed in 2 answers "When he gets up put him back to bed and tell him when he takes a nap you can play ..."