during naptime

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Results 41-50 from 5,669 articles

Naptime Nightmare

A.L. asks from Portland

I need help!!! I put my 18 mo old and 3 yr down for naps at the same time. My 3 yr old fights it and makes excuse after excuse and will yell and wake up his brother. ...


Naptime Help

M.C. asks from Chicago

My daughter is 7 months - she is a happy, content little girl. I cannot get her to take an afternoon nap that is longer than maybe half an hour, 45 minutes on a real...



V.W. asks from Roanoke

I have a 9 month old and all of a sudden he is taking 20 min naps several times a day verses taking 2hr nap in afternoon and 2hr nap in the morning. Is this normal. A...


Naptime and Nighttime Pull-ups

J.S. asks from Columbus

My boys are 4 1/2 and are still wearing pull-ups at naptime and nighttime. They are and have been completely potty trained during the day for over a year now, but al...


On Schedule Toddler Totally off Schedule for NapTime...

L.S. asks from Los Angeles

my 21 mos old son has been on a schedule since about 4 mos. he created it and put us on it, we just try and follow it/cater to his needs. he used to nap at about 10:3...


Naptime & Bedtime with a 2 1/2 Yr Old

B.H. asks from Pocatello

Naptime and Bedtime are crazy and I don't know what to do about it. I have a 2 1/2 yr old son who is indepdendent and seems to enjoy doing the opposite of what we'd l...


Church Time Conflicts with Daughter's Naptime

A.G. asks from Salt Lake City

This week, the time I go to church has changed from 11 AM-2 PM to 1 PM-4 PM. My daughter's naptime is around 2 PM. And I was curious how anybody else dealt with thi...


At 2 1/2, Son Fights Naptime, Any Solutions?

L.D. asks from Milwaukee

My oldest son has just recently started trying to get out of taking his afternoon nap. I do believe it it partly due to the cold weather; we can't just run outside a...


Ditching the Naptime and Bedtime Bottle... 1 Yr. Old

M.S. asks from Philadelphia

Hi, My son is turning 1 in a few days and I feel like I've broken every rule 'they' say not to do... My son is accustomed to having a bottle while falling asle...


2 1/2 Year Old Not Staying in Bed at Naptime

S.H. asks from Chicago

Normally, my son will stay in his big boy bed and either talk and sing until he falls asleep or be quiet and fall asleep. Naptime and bedtime have always been easy as...

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Answer Highlights

  • try putting him down in 2 answers "Instead of trying to stick to his old routine with a fight, try putting him down later ..."
  • wake up wet in 2 answers "My son has continued to wake up wet every day that I have put a pull up on him."
  • one afternoon nap in 2 answers "... itself out after a couple of months, and he ended up taking one afternoon nap ..."
  • him watch a movie in 2 answers "If letting him watch a movie for ""
  • set a timer in 3 answers "How about letting him set a timer for him to have quiet time."