3 month old baby teething

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S.W. asks from Dallas

Is it possible for a 11 week old baby to be teething? My son has been acting a little fussy. He has been drooling alot and sticking his whole hand in his mouth. I...


3 Month Old Teething?

J.G. asks from Los Angeles

We THINK my 3 month old son may be starting the teething process. He is constantly putting his fist in his mouth and drooling like crazy. But he also has a little d...



B.R. asks from Dallas

Anyone have any advice on how to help a 5 month old teething? We have tried the teething rings and hylands gel and those both don't work. I try and limit tylenol. ...



C.M. asks from Madison

can an 11 week old be teething. He likes to chew on my hand and his, and has been cranky in the last couple of days. or is this to early and he's just being cranky.



M.H. asks from Provo

hi I have an almost 3 month old that for the last 2 days has had a stuffy nose and been really cranky not sleeping well at all and is drooling could this be teething ...



R.B. asks from Charlotte

Does anyone know anything else that will comfort a teething baby besides Orajel? My almost four month old daughter has teeth coming in at the back and the front of h...



B.B. asks from Portland

My baby is about to turn one. She's been a cranky mess the last two days and she's woken up all hot and sweaty. Motrin cools her down but she's about to pull her ears...



B.M. asks from Detroit

I have a 10 month old boy who is teething. I would like to know the best remedy to ease his pain so he is not so crabby and miserable. I sometimes give him infant tyl...



T.B. asks from Honolulu

My grandson is not quite 3 months old, and we think he's teething already because he's drooling and trying to "swallow" the nipple from this bottle. Since it's been ...



J.A. asks from Phoenix

My 4 1/2 month old son is teething badly.. 2 of his bottom teeth just broke through.. Does anyone have any remedies to ease his pain a bit..

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