3 month old baby teething

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C.S. asks from Milwaukee

my 5 and a half month old sons are having periods of fussing. They both are chewing on everything they can get a hold of, and the fussing seems related to this. Cou...



K.C. asks from Boston

Hi, My son is 10 months and he is teething. He is constantly sticking his hand in his mouth and gagging himself. Does anytbody have any suggestions on how to stop th...



A.W. asks from Kansas City

I am having trouble telling if my son is teething. Maybe I am just lucky. He's 5 months old, has white little bumps on the bottom, in the middle. He is not drooling, ...



E.K. asks from Atlanta

My son is 17 weeks old and the past two days it appears that he's sucky on his bottom lip and making more noise. I think he may be teething already but my husband thi...



C.M. asks from San Antonio

My one year old daughter is teething to the point where she wants to bite down on EVERYTHING, including tires on cars! I can only imagine how irritable she may feel....



G.A. asks from Cincinnati

We have a little one that's 17 months old. She didn't start teething unttil she was 12 months old and now she has a total of 6 teeth. Should we be concerned? Have ...



M.R. asks from San Antonio

My 4 month old is starting to get 2 lower teeth. He is usually such a calm and happy baby but with the addition of these two teeth he has been very uncomfortable. I h...



A.F. asks from Milwaukee

Our 6 month old had a pretty rough 24 hours begining Friday night around 10 pm. She had a low fever, was really cranky and did not sleep much. Saturday she wanted t...



K.B. asks from Charlotte

Is there any way to tell when your baby is teething? My son is only 4 months old and I know that it is a bit early to be teething but he has been "extra" fussy for t...



L.F. asks from Scranton

My 4 month old daughter has been drooling non stop and chews on her hands, bibs, anything that will go near her mouth. She has had a runny nose for about a week now ...

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