when to try again after miscarriage

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Results 71-80 from 3,034 articles

Should I Try for Another???

P.A. asks from Houston

I am curious to know if any one else out there is in my situation. I am 42 and have a beautiful 4 yr old son. But, I would love another child. I have had 2 miscarria...


Dealing with Miscarriage

K.K. asks from Nashville

I had a miscarriage this week. It was my 4th child and I'm not sure what to feel. The pregnancy was not planned (DD2 was only 8 months when we found out I was preg....


TTC After Miscarriage

N.I. asks from New York

My husband and I are going to start TTC after having two miscarriages. The first two times we got pregnant within a few months. This time I am taking baby asprin an...


Miscarriage Questions

N.S. asks from Chicago

Hi there Mamas! I have some questions for any of you who have experienced what I'm going through. I am at the tail end (I hope) of what was confirmed as a miscarria...


Possible Miscarriage...

L.L. asks from St. Cloud

I went to the doctor today for our first checkup. They did the ultrasound and found im roughtly five weeks and four days along. The tech couldn't make out what was in...


Sister's Miscarriage

A.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hello, my sister recently suffered a miscarriage and I was just wondering if i could have some advice. Obviously she was very upset and has been seeing a councillor...


Possible Miscarriage

B.T. asks from Kansas City

I am six weeks pregnant, but have been spotting since Saturday. From Saturday until last night it was brown. I saw my doctor yesterday and had a sonogram. There was a...


Possible Miscarriage

M.H. asks from Honolulu

Hello moms, I am 5 weeks pregnant and my symptoms seem to be easing off- so early! I am concerned that this may be a miscarriage. I've had 3 + urine pregnancy te...


Possible Miscarriage

J.B. asks from St. Louis

This is my third time being pregnant. My first two pregnancies I didn't have any problems. Going by my LMP I should be about 9 weeks along but I had a ultrasound a fe...


Neighbor/Friend Had a Miscarriage, What Should I Do?

B.O. asks from St. Louis

Hello Moms- My neighbor is 46 yo and has a 3 yr old child and really wants a 2nd baby. She told me about 2 weeks ago she was pregnant and very excited but made it aw...

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Answer Highlights

  • never had morning sickness in 2 answers "... I had mild heart burn, but both quickly faded and I never had morning sickness."
  • your hormone levels in 2 answers "But if I were you, I would really wait a while longer. Your hormone levels did not ..."
  • your hormone levels in 2 answers "I'm glad they're taking your hormone levels, since that ought to tell you a lot."
  • had sore breasts in 2 answers "i had a perfect pregnancy ... almost NO symptoms at all!!! i had sore breasts at ..."
  • unless you start bleeding in 2 answers "I don't think you have anything to be concerned about unless you start bleeding."