smoking tobacco

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Results 11-20 from 131 articles

Electronic Cigarettes for Smoking Cesation?

C.P. asks from Washington DC

I am looking into purchasing an electronic cigarette for my mother who is trying to quit smoking. She has many medical issues and must quit smoking after 55 years. ...


Smoking in Childrens Playgrounds... Grr..

R.. asks from Chattanooga

I took my DD to the park to play today, and I noticed quite a few people were smoking in the actual play area. One woman was smoking while chasing the kid she was wit...


Has Anyone Quit Smoking Recently and How Did You Do It?

K.R. asks from Houston

Just wondering if anyone has tried to quit smoking. My husband is ready to quit after many many years of smoking. I've heard about accupuncture and wondered if that m...


wowWho Else Detest Smoking?

C.C. asks from Philadelphia

I loathe smoking. I have told my children since they were babies its bad for your body. Why in this day and age with so much information about smoking do people still...


Help with Quitting Smoking

S.J. asks from Tampa

hi everybody my husband is trying to quit smoking. he tried several times before and failled. the smoking is affecting his health now so he really needs to stop. h...


Husband "Secretly" Smoking

M.S. asks from Chicago

Okay Moms, please give some good advice. I don't know what to do. My husband and I have been married 10 years and have been together since high school. We have a ve...


I Wish My Husband Would Quit Smoking

H.M. asks from Atlanta

Hi there! I've been married to my husband for over 5 years and prior to ever getting married he's been promising to quit smoking. "I promise I'll quit before we get...


Mom Who Wants to QUIT SMOKING

A.D. asks from Portland

I have been a smoker for many years. I started smoking when I was 16 and I am currently 43. Wow, that's 27 years. I have been able to quit whenever I was pregnant ...


Husband Lying About Smoking

K.B. asks from Richmond

Hey ladies, I wanted to get your take on something I am going through currently. Will try and make it brief as I know there are already a few Q&As about this gene...


How Did You Finally Quit Smoking for Good?

A.W. asks from Chicago

I've been an on and off smoker (mostly on) for 9 years. Not smoking during my pregnancy/breastfeeding wasn't a problem. But every time I get together with friends so...

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