smoking tobacco

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Results 41-50 from 131 articles

Do You Hookah? (Sp?)

F.H. asks from Phoenix

Is that what its called? The smoking machine thing? I have a Facebook "friend" that has invited me to several of her parties at her home. We have "alot" in common,...


Nasty Habit

J.H. asks from Billings

Has anyone had any luck getting their husband to quit chewing tobacco? If so, any suggestions would be appreciated. My husband has been trying to quit for several yea...


My Fiance Lied to Me About Using Camel Snus

J.K. asks from Los Angeles

We've been together for three years, and in the beginning I expressed how I despised chewing tobacco or anything related to it. My fiance and I both smoke, but he nev...


I Feel like My Husband Is Lying to Me, What Do I Do?

E.S. asks from Seattle

When I first met my husband he smoked (cigarettes) and he quit (thank goodness) when I found out I was pregnant. My husband would come home smelling like cigarett...


Lose Weight

D.J. asks from Scranton

I quit smoking and am steadily gaining, please advise on what to do, I'm useing relacor and that is not a help, I tryed just about everything short of starving!


Fetal Developement

C.G. asks from Austin

good morning .... I have a friend who is in her 1st trimester of pregnancy and this is her first pregnancy; she's having a very difficult time of quitting smoking. I ...


Finding a Healthy Approach to Dealing with My Spouse

O.L. asks from Los Angeles

I grew up with an alcoholic father. So, I bring that to the table in all of my relationships. Trust issues, codependency, etc. I married an amazing man who is har...


Married 3 Yrs. Husband Lying.

K.R. asks from Sherman

back when i was dating if a guy lied that was always a deal breaker. but now i am married, and i am not leanving but it is still not ok. so far the only thing i ha...


How to Teach Kids That Behavior Is Bad Without Teaching Them to Be Judgmental??

E.M. asks from Phoenix

We have multiple family members who have died of smoking-related illness. Largely because of that, I am working hard to teach my kids that smoking is gross, it makes...


HELP ME Seeking Advice for Pregnant Me Tryn to Quit SMOKIN CIGS

J.C. asks from Los Angeles

I just found out I am 1 month prego...I neeed and want to quit smoking cigerettes.But I resort to food,gum doesn't work...I need any advice...PLEASE

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Answer Highlights

  • using chewing tobacco in 2 answers "I see no problem with asking him to refrain from using chewing tobacco when he's out ..."
  • use chewing tobacco in 2 answers "... detail, how much you hated it and what kind of person would use chewing tobacco?"
  • quit cold turkey in 5 answers "I finally quit COLD TURKEY over 15-20 years ago."
  • joined weight watchers in 3 answers "I am now a 10 & 12, that's big for me. I joined weight watchers, my oncologist states ..."
  • been doing weight watchers in 2 answers "I have been doing weight watchers and it is wonderful."