senior living

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Mom May Need Other Living Arrangements

R.D. asks from San Antonio

We found out recently that my mother is going blind. To our dismay, her Dr. will not allow surgery due to her diabetes. She doesn't drive after 3pm and after my hus...


Help!!!! Abusive Father Living with Us

M.M. asks from New York

I've been caring for my dad for 4 months. He is 82 years old. He was abusive to my mom, he hit her for many years and verbally abused her. He cheated on every woma...


Looking for an Assisted Living Home for Grandparents in the West Suburbs, Il.

C.F. asks from Chicago

Hi Everyone! I am looking for an assisted living facility in the western suburbs of Chicago, preferably Bloomingdale area (or within a 5-10 mile radius) for my grand...


What Is a Fair Curfew for an 18-Year Old Daughter Living at Home?

R.G. asks from San Francisco

Hello there. My husband and I have a single daughter who will be turning 18 in June and has been commenting that she shouldn't have a curfew once she is 18. She wil...


Mommies Living in the Northern States Please I Need Your Input

C.J. asks from Dallas

I'm writing this question really quick since my kids are around so excuse any bad grammar please. OK. a very short background, after living 11 years in Texas my hu...


Tips for Dealing with "More than Senior Moments" with an Elderly Loved One?

A.M. asks from Washington DC

An elderly relative admits to having senior moments, but becomes pretty irate when we suggest that her forgetfulness is more than just regular age-related absentminde...


18 Year Old Wants to Spend Senior Week at Beach House No Supervision

C.W. asks from Philadelphia

My 18 year old daughter would like to spend 4 days at the beach with her friends. All these young ladies is 18 years will be renting a beach house for a week and my b...


18 Year Old High School Senior Curfew and House Rules

D.E. asks from Washington DC

My 17 year daughter turns 18 next week. Wanted some input on what her curfew should be for school nights and weekends. She currently works part-time and is responsi...


How to Deal with an 18 Year Old Living at Home

L.G. asks from San Francisco

Hello mamas. I really need some advice on how to go about handling my daughter who is 18 and living at home. She is a responsible person who has a part-time job, ha...


Does Anyone Still Have Their Grandparents Living?? Are They in Good Health??

C.C. asks from Philadelphia

Hi I am almost 44yrs. My parents are still in great health and have regular exercise. My granmom is 92 yrs and exercises 3 times a week. She is very good health for h...

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