irregular period after pregnancy

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Results 31-40 from 1,073 articles

Period and Breastfeeding

L.R. asks from Seattle

my problem is that.....i have a 6 month old and i plan to breastfeed for at least a year like i did with my last son...around the holidays i had a few drinks and deci...


Missed Period

B.T. asks from Boston

Hi again, I'm 36 and have 2 sons. My youngest is 19 months old and when he was born I had my tubes tied. I have missed my period for the month of Feb. I am about 2...


Haven't Gotten Period...

C.S. asks from Tampa

After i had my son sept 18th i bleed for about 2 1/2 weeks and it wasn't heavy my doctor said that was normal..well i haven't gotten my period yet and it's been almos...


Post Pregnancy Period

D.G. asks from Philadelphia

I'm a little embarassed to be writing this, but I'm also pretty desperate. I got my period for the first time 9 1/2 months after I gave birth. I should mention that...


Period While Breastfeeding

M.M. asks from Louisville

I had my third baby on May 23rd. I am brestfeeding him, as I did my other 2. I got my period today: headache, cramps, bleeding, the works. I never got my period wi...


Period While EBF

M.F. asks from Houston

I started my period two days ago. I am EBF my 10 wk old every 3 hours at least. With my last two my period didn't come back until 7-8 months later. Is this normal? I...


Missed Period

K.G. asks from Houston

Is it normal after having a baby to have your period for 2 months and then be late the next? I am still nursing and have had 2 periods. I have been expecting the ne...


Missed Period and Negative Pregnancy Tests!!!!

T.S. asks from Charleston

My period is almost one week late and I have taken a zillion pregnancy tests, all of them negative:( I have never been late like this before and have always been regu...


IUD And Period

E.G. asks from Daytona Beach

My daughter is 13 months old and I had a period last month and now haven't had one, yet, I have the IUD and it had been in place since my daughter was 4 weeks old, my...


No Period with Mirena?

M.K. asks from Minneapolis

I had the Mirena inserted at the beginning of May. I spotted on and off for about 3 months and sometimes it was hard to figure out if it was spotting or my period. I ...

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Answer Highlights

  • keep taking the mini pill in 2 answers "Keep taking the mini pill, that doesn't have much to due with you getting your period."
  • came back after three months in 2 answers "My second child it came back after three months and came back weird... I'd always ..."
  • post partum bleeding in 2 answers "I got my period back while EBF 5 weeks after my post-partum bleeding stopped."
  • havent had your period in 2 answers "That may be why you haven't had your period yet."
  • call your ob in 3 answers "Hi D., I agree you should call your Ob/gyn and talk to them about getting an ultrasound ..."