fat girls

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Little Girls in 2 Piece Swim Suits

T.H. asks from Topeka

I was watching a talk show yesterday and there was debate about little girls in two piece swim suits and how Gweneth Paltrow was being attacked b/c she endorsed some ...


Promoting Positive Self-Esteem in Girls

L.Z. asks from Boston

I may be overanalyzing this based on my own past, but I wanted to hear from other moms of little girls out there to find out if I am handling my 4-year old and her re...


Plus-size Clothes for Little Girls?

C.R. asks from Columbus

hello all!!! my question today is regarding clothes. Sylvia is turning 6 in a little less than 2 weeks, and I would love to update her clothes a little. For the past...


Hormones in Milk Early Puberty in Girls but What About Boys

L.M. asks from Cleveland

ok, I"m looking for some information here, I have heard before about milk being one of the reasons girls are starting puberty sooner than they did 40 yrs ago or w...


Hormones and Girls Starting Periods at Young Ages

J.G. asks from Cincinnati

I've heard so much about girls starting their periods at younger ages these days, sometimes around 8 and 9 years old. I was 14 when I started mine. 8 and 9 just seems...


SLEEPOVER With TEEN Boy and Girls ??? What Do You Think ?

H.R. asks from Anchorage

My 14 year old daughter wants to have 3 kids over from school to work on a project, but the issue at hand is this - one of the 3 teens is a boy (the other two girls)....


My Baby and Her Fat Rolls and Double/triple Chin :)

C.J. asks from Charlotte

Hi Ladies. I'm having a bit of a problem with my three month old. She loves to eat. Okay, that's not the problem. I love little chunky babies and her doctor says she'...


The First Time Your Daughter Thinks She's Fat

J.C. asks from Columbus

.... Or ugly, or too short, or too tall, or whatever. Comparing herself to her peers. What do you say to her - - while trying to keep your heart from ripping out of y...


Dr Called Me Fat in a Nice Way, How Would You Feel?

A.F. asks from Stationed Overseas

Ok so today I went to a Korean hospital to have a scheduled MRI done on my lower back/ left hip because I have had server pain there for the last 6 year from a car ac...


Talking to Your Girls About Weight

I.X. asks from Los Angeles

I don't really trust my instincts on this one and you will see why as I explain. Both me and my husband grew up in very weight conscious homes. We are not overwei...

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Answer Highlights

  • easier to get on and off to go to the bathroom in 2 answers "2 piece swim suits are so much easier to get on and off to go to the bathroom or change ..."
  • think two piece suits in 2 answers "I think two piece suits are justified, but I don't like them on little girls."
  • co ed sleepovers in 2 answers "For whatever reason when we were teens....Co-ed sleepovers where there was more then ..."
  • co ed sleepover in 2 answers "Honestly, I'd have a harder time allowing a co-ed sleepover with 17 year olds rather ..."
  • 2 piece suits in 5 answers "I think 2 piece suits are fine!"