fat girls

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Body Image Issue - I Feel Fat

J.K. asks from Omaha

Let me first say - this is probably going to be long. My question in short is that I'm having problems with my body image due to me thinking I'm fat, when I'm really ...


How to Deal with Vegan Friends Calling My Toddler Fat?

A.D. asks from Philadelphia

My toddler is quite big for his age (almost off the charts in both height and weight). He's a big boy, though not fat beyond the normal fat of a 20 month old. My husb...


6 Year Old Thinks She Is Fat, HELP!!!!!

A.R. asks from Boston

Hi Ladies, Okay so I had written a while back about my 6 yr old and a possible weight issue that the dr had mentioned at her 6 yr old well visit. I was very concerned...


Help.........My 12 Yr Old Daughter Thinks She Is Fat......

D.W. asks from St. Louis

All, I have noticed lately that my 12 year old daughter has not been eating as much as she normally does. She usually eats like a horse, but is very active. ...


My 7 Year-old Daughter Is Talking About Being Fat.

C.R. asks from Atlanta

My little girl has started expressing concerns that she is fat. She is a tall, slender thing and there has never been any concern on our part that she is overweight....


How to Respond When People Call a 9 Week Old "Fat."

N.S. asks from Dayton

So my son is 9 weeks old tomorrow and weighs 15 lbs and is 25" long. My pediatrician is not at all concerned about my exclusively breastfed baby and his weight as his...


A Parent Called My 7 Year Old Daughter Fat at School!!

W.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Moms!! I am so emotional about this situation that I need advice on what to do. My daughter is 7 years old, 4'7" and 73 lbs. she is tall and solid, NOT fat!! ...


My Dad Is Afraid My Daughter Is Going to "Get Fat." How Do I Handle This?

A.R. asks from Houston

Hi everyone. Let me start off by saying that the only members of our family that "weight issues" are on my dad's side of the family (2 are overweight and 1 had bulim...


Girls and Self-confidence

A.B. asks from Minneapolis

I have two girls ages 7 1/2 and 4. I am looking for reccomendations of books or articles concerning self confidence. my youngest thinks she only looks pretty when she...


Has Anyone Tried Sponsors Offering-10 Rules for Flat Stomach,fat Loss for Idiots

D.W. asks from Providence

Has anyone tried the sponsor's program that offers "10 rules for flat stomach - cut off 9 lbs of stomach fat every 11 days"? I clicked on it and it's "fat loss for i...

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