fat girls

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Results 31-40 from 3,656 articles

Big Fat Positive!!!!!!!!!!!

B.M. asks from Pocatello

Finally!!!! After waiting for my period to come back from my last baby (she's 15 months now) and trying to track my ovulation, and taking pregnancy test after pregnan...


Fat Baby Feet :)

S.B. asks from Dallas

We are having a very difficult time finding shoes(size 4) that can fit my 16month old daughter's feet. Her feet a wider width than most shoes and then to make it eve...


Mean Girls in 3Rd Grade

E.G. asks from Indianapolis

My daughter is in the 3rd grade and having a promblem with 3 particular little girls making fun of her weight, that she is already concerned with. I strive to make su...


Advice on "Mean Girls."

T.S. asks from New York

I have two daughters in elementary school. The constant change of BFFs and malicious fighting that goes on between girls is so stressful. My daughters regularly come ...


Hormone Free Milk for Girls

S.F. asks from Dayton

I have started to consider switching my 19 month old daughter to a milk without growth hormones becuase of the increased rate of early onset puberty in girls. The co...


Earring Storage for Girls?

J.K. asks from Mansfield

My girls got their ears pierced in October and since both have had a birthday and Christmas(of course) so they have recieved a ton of earrings. Like close to 50 pair ...


Eating and Behavior Habits of Girls

J.L. asks from Denver

I have some concerns with my almost 3 y/o daughter and I’m not sure if this is normal behavior with girls and their metabolism/eating habits. My daughter is consta...


Moms of Teenage Girls...

L.A. asks from Chattanooga

My daughter, who turned 16 last week, would like permission to go meet a boy who is 18 & lives in the next town over (30 min) whom she has never met before (except on...


Life with TWIN Girls...

N.S. asks from Los Angeles

Life with twins isn't easy...I have 1 year old twin girls...I am still kinda new to this "Mommy life" I am BIG on researching before I do anything...so when I founf t...


Help for the "Girls"

L.A. asks from New York

Ladies - A baby changes everything, so they say. Anyway, after some months of shopping, I landed on the new perfect bra, the satin skin from VS in 34DD. After bei...

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Answer Highlights

  • schools have a zero tolerance in 2 answers "... things being said...bullying is bullying and all schools have a zero tolerance ..."
  • drive to your house and meet in 2 answers "If this boy wants to meet your daughter, he has to drive to YOUR HOUSE and meet her ..."
  • come to your house and meet in 2 answers "... nowadays it may appear embarrassing for the boy to come to your house and meet ..."
  • hormone free milk in 2 answers "... Maybe find a local dairy that you can buy raw, hormone-free milk ..."
  • stand your ground in 2 answers "... until we had met them and saw how they behaved together. Stand your ground ..."