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Results 11-20 from 66 articles

Home Business Moms

C.T. asks from Little Rock

Are any of you a member of a WAHM group or a Direct Sales Mom group? I am looking for women who are with companies like Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Partylite etc. to n...


Little Romantic Things to Do....

J.S. asks from Cleveland

Mommies: With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I would love to hear some of the little thoughtful things that you do to let your significant other know how sp...


Cell Phone and Email for Daughter

C. asks from Tampa

I am looking to get a cell phone for my daughter - but one that is very limited. I do not want text, camera, music, or anything like that. I only want her to be abl...


Gift Ideas Needed STAT!

A.R. asks from Chattanooga

Hello moms! I am rather aching for money right now, and yet it seems to be everyone's birthday. From kids to adults! Males and females. I was hoping you all could swa...


How to Reconnect with the Hubby--cheaply!

L.E. asks from Boise

My husband and I are gearing up to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary in July. The problem is lately, neither one of us is really happy with our relationship. We ...


Spinoff of Kristen's Post, What FB Posts Do You Enjoy?

T.N. asks from Albany

I love FB. I mean, sure there's some annoying things, but you just roll your eyes and keeep on scrollin'. I REALLY love pictures of other people's kids. Especially...


So Seriously Horrifically Bored! How Can I Pass the Time?

N.G. asks from Dallas

I'm 100% grateful to have a boss that will pay us out of his pocket while we wait for new clients and new work to trickle in... but in the meantime, I have nothing to...


Advice Needed for How to Prepare a 4 Year Old for His Dad's Upcoming Deployment

C.L. asks from Los Angeles

I am not sure how to prepare my 4 year old son for his fathers upcoming deployment in 2 months...He loves his Dad so much he waits by the door fro him to come home fr...


I'm Such a Loser on Mothers Day

I.X. asks from Los Angeles

My mother was just here, we had a whirl wind week with thier visits, and now mothers day has snuck up on me. I'm too late to mail her anything, even a card. So what...


To Thank or Not to Thank

C.S. asks from Detroit

That is the question. My husband was the soccer coach for my 6 year old son's team this year. He recieved Thank you gifts(gift cards to local businesses) from each ...

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Answer Highlights

  • from a local florist in 2 answers "How about sending her flowers or a lant from a local florist?"
  • send a thank you note in 2 answers "I believe the polite thing to do would be to send a thank you note through the mail ..."
  • map on the wall in 2 answers "... out to sea) and as far back as I can remember we'd have a big map on the wall ..."
  • nice gesture in 2 answers "I just think it is a nice gesture that is too often overlokked."
  • fruit arrangement in 2 answers "Send her an edible fruit arrangement Or get a gift card to a restaurant in her area ..."