coping with miscarriage

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Results 11-20 from 124 articles

In Need of Help Dealing with a Miscarriage

R.F. asks from Lubbock

I recently had a miscarriage and am struggling to make sense of all of the emotions I am feeling. I have two beautiful babies, ages two years and 10 months and am so...


How to Help - Friend Had Miscarriage

S.D. asks from Boston

I just found out that some good friends of ours had a miscarriage. They've been trying to get pregnant for over a year and just found out that the baby stopped growi...


How to Comfort Someone Who's Had a Miscarriage

E.B. asks from Washington DC

Hi, all - I'm 25 weeks pregnant with my first child, and my cousin, with whom I'm prettyy close even though she lives in 400 miles away, just had a miscarriage in her...


Family Member Had a Miscarriage

B.H. asks from Salt Lake City

My sister-in-law (my brother's wife) is in the process of having a miscarriage. They just found out yesterday. We are living across the country from them, so we aren'...


Seeking Advice on Dealing with a Miscarriage

T.W. asks from Monroe

I became pregnant with our 3rd child and carried that baby for 10 weeks. The doctor wasn't sure if he saw the heartbeat. He thought that he had, but he asked that I...


House Guest After Miscarriage??

J.J. asks from Phoenix

Hello. I recently had a miscarriage. On June 16th my husband and I along with our 16 month old daughter went to our 12 week ultrasound appointment. We found out th...


Dealing with Miscarriage

K.T. asks from Salt Lake City

It has been 2 weeks since I had a D&C. I was 6 1/2 weeks pregnant. My OB was watching me closely due to a sister having problems. During the first ultrasound I measur...


What to Say After a Miscarriage....

E.F. asks from Los Angeles

I found out about a month ago that my sister-in-law was pregnant. She has been having a rough year, she is going through a divorce and has been dating this new man w...


Still Struggling with Miscarriage 3 Months Later

J.W. asks from Detroit

In October I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks. We were trying to get pregnant for 8 months beforehand, so I found out I was pregnant right away and was thrilled. Although...


Need Advice on How to Help a Friend Through a Miscarriage

K.S. asks from Kansas City

I know this is a hard thing. I have a friend that found out about a miscarraige yesterday. This is her second pregnancy. She has a beautiful healthy boy that's 19 ...

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