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So Discouraged.....

E.G. asks from Atlanta

We have been working so hard - both my husband and I - to pay off debt that accumulated as a result of his being out of a job from the end of 2012 to October of 2013....



A.M. asks from Peoria

My son was born at 30 weeks in June of this year. I was able to be at home with him until just last week. We put him in a daycare center because we dont really know...


What Is Wrong with Him? Me? Us?

G.S. asks from Dallas

I love my husband. Great conversation. Great companionship. Great love-making. I just don't like his non-involvement with housework and low involvement with the c...


Middle School Is Killing Me!!!

J.M. asks from Lexington

My son (11) has never liked school, now that he has moved to the middle school things seemed to be going a lot better. He was doing his homework and turning it all i...


My Husband's Crying over Spilt Paint...

L.D. asks from Dallas

Okay ladies-- I sure hope someone out there can help me. I spilled some red paint on our driveway. For some reason, my husband's anal about keeping the driveway spo...


Input on Single Parent Homeschooling Needed

C.R. asks from Fayetteville

Hi, I am a school teacher who, since on medical leave, has realized how dysfunctional our public school systems are and the damage my family has endured as a direct r...


Messy House???

C.F. asks from Dayton

Hi all! I am really looking for some validation! I have a two year old and a 4 month old (they are 23 months apart) and am having a difficult time keeping my house...


I Need Alone Time in My Own House

K.S. asks from Washington DC

Im not even sure how to ask this question, but basically I need alone time in my own house. Im a sahm and with the kids 24/7. My husband has no problem keeping the ki...


When You Were a Kid... Gifts for Teachers.

J.S. asks from Minneapolis

like early Elementary aged kid, do you remember bringing in gifts for all your teachers? I'm 40, and grew up in a small town. I have no memory of bringing in gift...


Don't Know How to Make the School Listen!

J.J. asks from Pocatello

Okay, I know this is similar to something I posted awhile back but I am lost. My nine year old son once again, didn't make his AR goal (by 2 points) and therefore wil...

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