Your Fertility

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Results 71-80 from 3,904 articles

Fertility Drugs: Which Ones Work and How Do I Bring It up with My Husband?

C.H. asks from Decatur

My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant and for some time now without success. I was hoping that we could get pregnant naturally, but at this point I'm sta...


Looking for a Good Fertility Service or Clinic in My Area...

M.K. asks from Los Angeles

After having trying to conceive for the past year and a half, I decided to start looking for a fertility clinic. I got a few recommendation from my doc, but wanted t...


Natural Ways to Increase Fertility If Still Breastfeeding

P.J. asks from Denver

Does anyone know of any natural ways to increase fertility if I am still breastfeeding? My son is 21 months old and we would like to start trying for another child b...


Fortamet or Metformin for PCOS and Increase Fertility?

C.B. asks from San Diego

Has anyone taken Fortamet or Metformin while trying to get pregnant with more success than side effects? My doctor recommends that I take one of these because I have ...


Support Group for Secondary Fertility Issues

A.D. asks from New York

Hello. I am looking for a support group for those experiencing secondary fertility issues in New York City. My husband and I have been trying to conceive our second...


Fertility Supplements

T.B. asks from Seattle

Has anyone heard of or used Fertilaid to assist in getting pregnant?


Fertility Issues

M.R. asks from New York

I am in my mid 30s and I have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years but no sucess. I have M/C 3 month ago. I was taking "Cromid" for 3 month when I became pregnant....


Accupuncture and Fertility?

S.A. asks from Seattle

My boyfriend and I have been trying to conceive for the last 3 months. Someone recently told me to try accupuncture. Has anyone done this and did it work? (Yes, I sai...


PCOS And Fertility

S.W. asks from Kansas City

I was wondering if anyone has tried The Insulite PCOS System I was diagnosed with PCOS 8/06 and I was put on Metformin. I conceived two m...


Frustrated About Fertility.

S.L. asks from Stockton

My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant with our second, on and off, for nearly five years. The drs. say everything is fine with me and my hubby, but still ...

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