what do kids like to eat for dinner

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What's for Dinner Tonight?

M.M. asks from Los Angeles

Okay ladies, what are YOU making for dinner tonight? Just curious. I have the "night off" from making dinner. ha ha. But always a good idea for Monday. ;)


My Son Only Wants to Eat Peanut Butter for Dinner

A.W. asks from Dallas

For the last few weeks my 3 year old son has been only wanting peanut butter crackers for dinner. I know it is healthy and he gets a balanced meal for breakfast and ...


Expecting Child to Eat All Their Dinner - What Age?

M.M. asks from Detroit

DH and I are at odds on this one... My son turned 3 at the end of December. My habit has been to ask him to come to the family dinner table and expect him to stay for...


Christmas Dinner

S.K. asks from Houston

Other than the traditional turkey/dressing etc...what would make for a good Christmas Dinner?


My Children Do Not like to Eat Cake

D.A. asks from Utica

My son is going to be turning 4 in 2 weeks and as much as he and his sister ask for cake, they do not like to eat it, they just like the idea of one. Since it will be...


If 2 Year Old Doesn't Eat Dinner...

K.K. asks from Iowa City

If your (almost) 2 year old doesn't eat dinner, do you offer an alternate? Tonight was chili night, something she has eaten and liked before. She wanted no part of th...


lEating Dinner and After Dinner Snacks

J.C. asks from Los Angeles

I am wondering if any other mommies out there deal with this issue. My daughter is 4, she is a good eater, she likes lots of foods and is willing to try new things. L...


13 Month Old That Will Not Eat Dinner

A.J. asks from Phoenix

My 13 month old will not dinner for me. I spend about an hour every night trying to get him to eat. He eats perfectly fine for the babysitter, but when he gets home i...


Whats for Dinner

E.G. asks from Jackson

Whats for dinner. I had a boring ham sandwich for lunch. But I put on a yummy roast so I know it will be good for dinner. Just wondered what your having and maybe I c...


Daughter Takes 2 Hours to Eat Dinner

C.P. asks from Boston

My daughter will be 4 in January and about 2 weeks ago, she decided to start taking forever to eat dinner. It doesn't seem to matter what I'm serving. Even if it's ...

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