what do kids like to eat for dinner

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Help with Getting My Son to Eat His Dinner

J.B. asks from Denver

I'm calling in the troops! I've been battling with my 21 mth old for about 4 months now on getting him to eat his dinner. Some nights, he does great, most nights dinn...


My 2Yr. Wont Eat Whats for Dinner.

T.F. asks from Dallas

Can anyone help me. My 2yr. Son wont eat whats for dinner at all. I mean all the time. I fix kid freindly food. He does not eat all day but he does have snaks, but no...


She Won't Eat!

M.H. asks from Orlando

my daughter is 16 months old and will barely eat anything. the only things she wants is cheese and fruit, sometimes she doesn't even eat the fruit. she is getting con...


Toddler Wont Eat Dinner When at Home!

S.W. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms I think I am in a power struggle with my 2 year old. He refuses to eat dinner with me when we are at home. If we go out to eat - no problem! I am single, so ...


Dinner Battle

K.W. asks from Denver

My 2 year old daughter is a good girl - except when it comes to dinner time. She tries to stand in her chair and doesn't eat. What this translates too is waking up ...


Does Your Family Eat Together at the Dinner Table?

M.M. asks from Los Angeles

My friend and I were discussing what we do for dinner. If we all sit together at the table, eat separately, kids can eat in front of t.v. so Mom & Dad can talk, etc. ...


My 14 Month Old Doesn't Want to Eat Dinner!

J.B. asks from Portland

For a few weeks now, my 14 month old daughter has not had a very good appetite at home. She will eat snack, breakfast and lunch at daycare, as well as having 2 servin...


What to Eat?

E.B. asks from Dover

My daughter is 8 months old now and I have been feeding her formula, rice cereal and Stage 1 and 2 baby foods. I have been reading in a book that she should be start...


My Son Does Not like to Eat.

K.C. asks from Rockford

I have a 4 year old Son that does not want to eat. He will not eat meat, but hot dogs once in every 4-5 weeks. Chicken nuggets every 2 months. He only likes noodles, ...


When to Eat

S.L. asks from Milwaukee

Hi, I'm a mother of an 6 almost 7 month ( the 18th)old boy who is 17lb and my question is about when to feed him what and how much. here is my problem i think he want...

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Answer Highlights

  • living room watching tv in 2 answers "We eat in the living room watching tv , isn't that sad?"
  • stage 2 3 foods in 2 answers "... fine (along with formula/breast milk)... i give my daughter the stage 2/3 foods ..."
  • eat in front of the tv in 3 answers "... kids, we would sometimes rent a movie, get a pizza and eat in front of the TV ..."
  • deceptively delicious in 2 answers "The Sneaky Chef and Deceptively Delicious cookbooks are really fun."
  • eat at the dinner table in 3 answers "We all eat at the dinner table, with the tv OFF."