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Mom Has Sore Throat

D.R. asks from Miami

Hello, Unfortunately I have a terrible sore throat..and i am worried I might get my 6 month old sick because I am a S.A.H.M. anyone has any suggestions on how i c...


Sore Throat Remedies???

M.M. asks from McAllen

Hey, if anyone on here is still speaking me.... i was wondering if any of you had any advice on how to soothe sore throats, and/or how to tell what is causing the so...


Toddler with a Sore on Her Tongue

S.H. asks from Denver

My 18 month old daughter came down with The Croup this week and the same day that she went to the Dr. for that we also noticed a large sore on her tongue. It is on th...


Lip Sore - Medicine?

M.S. asks from Kansas City

I went to the endodontist on Tuesday and had to have a root canal. She gave my lip a blister, which has since popped and is now sore and a little pus-y. There's also ...


How to soothe a sore throat for an infant?

H.V. asks from Tucson

I woke up the other day with a wicked sore throat...luckily it passed in a few days. But now my 7 month old has one and is MISERABLE! She doesn't want to nurse or tak...


Crawling Sore Knees

M.J. asks from Salt Lake City

My daughter has just started crawling on her knees, and the poor things are red and rough and look so sore! I keep her knees covered while she crawls, but they still ...


Breastfeeding Mom Having a Very Sore Throat

S.S. asks from Detroit

Hello moms, I have a very sore throat, I can't even swallow, I think it is even cankerous... and I am nursing my four and a half months old daughter, so I wouldn't ...


Coughing and Sore Throat

L.M. asks from Houston

Hi everyone my daughter who is 2 has a very bad cough and soar throat. We have given her ibueprofen to ease the pain but since she is a little young i dont know if i ...


Canker Sore Question

L.G. asks from Denver

Three weeks ago I got what it looked as an inflamed taste bud on the tip of my tongue which turned into a canker sore couple of days later. The sore was itchy and pai...


How Do I Know If It Is a Cold Sore?

J.H. asks from Billings

My daughter (almost 3) was kissed on the cheek by an acquaintance last week, but we were in the parking lot of the grocery store when it happened, and I was loading u...

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