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Very Sore Throat

D.C. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi All, I've got the flu, and with it a very sore throat. I'm taking tylenol, drinking hot tea with honey and using a saltwater gargle. I've tried throat lozenges ...


Sore Throat

C.C. asks from New York

Hi! I have a 14 m/o son who has pneumonia with a wicked cough. Because of this his throat hurts really bad to the point I can tell it's hard for him to swallow. Is t...


Sore Loser!!!

T.F. asks from Green Bay

My son is almost 6 and is an extremely sore loser. He gets really mad and frustrated when he loses at ANYTHING!!! Even if he is playing football on the Playstation,...


Is It a Cold Sore?

J.H. asks from Billings

My 4 year old just developed this red spot with a white line in it on her lip. It is on the bottom lip, near the corner of her mouth. It started yesterday, and seems ...


Sore Throat

T.C. asks from Albuquerque

All of a sudden on Monday I started getting a sore throat and by the nezt morning less then 12 hours later I had lost my voice. By the afternoon I was able to talk ag...


Sore Hips

E.T. asks from Phoenix

I am hoping you guys will have some ideas for me. I am currently 5 months pregnant with my second child and am to the point where I can no longer sleep on my back or ...


Canker Sore

K.K. asks from Phoenix

I am hoping for some help. I will occaisionally get a canker sore in my mouth, usually I can associate it with eating too many sweets. However I got one a few days ag...


Very Sore Breasts!

T.F. asks from Albuquerque

I have a a question to ask. I had a miscarriage in October, thankfully I was only 9 weeks along! Ever since that we have been trying to get pregnant again. About 4 da...


Breasts Are Sore

G.R. asks from Austin

Hi there, I asked a question last week about the boob bottle and had wondeful responses that we were able to go out and purchase the item easily. Thank you to all......


SORE Nipples

K.K. asks from Appleton

Hi moms! need some help or encouragement... my son is now almost 3 weeks. I have been nursing exclusively since his birth. My left nipple is inverted and my right ...

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Answer Highlights

  • memory foam mattress topper in 2 answers "I loved the memory foam mattress topper until the very end of my second pregnancy."
  • firm pillow between your legs in 2 answers "... only thing I would recommend is sleeping with a firm pillow between your legs."
  • turn into scarlet fever in 2 answers "... but if you wait, it can indeed, as someone else posted, turn into scarlet fever."
  • try tea tree oil in 2 answers "To try to hurry up the healing process try Tea Tree oil on the sore, it relieves the ..."
  • la leche league in 4 answers "I would ask a La Leche League person or someone who knows."