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Results 91-100 from 54,880 articles

Cold Medicine Safe While Nursing...

R.. asks from Chattanooga

The '1 week crud' has been making the round in my family, and I am a bit worried that I am next. Everyone who has had it so far seems pretty miserable... even while t...


Kid Safe Bug Spray

S.R. asks from Kansas City

It is so hot in Missouri during the summer that the only time we go out for long periods of time in in the evening. Is there a safe non-toxic bug spray I can use on m...


WiFi Safe for Kids?

A.B. asks from Naples

When I was pregnant I asked hubby to turn the wifi off and go old fashioned "wired" for our internet service. I feel it is just safer...I don't trust the government a...


Kid Safe Space Heater

K.H. asks from Austin

My house does not currently have central air or heat. During the summer we have window units in all of the rooms to provide AC, but now I am in need of heaters for th...


Is the Nuva Ring Safe While Breastfeeding?

D.W. asks from Evansville

I just had my second baby 3 months ago and I am currently breastfeeding. When I went to my OB 2 weeks after my delivery and asked about birth control, she suggested ...


Is Aspartame Safe to Consume During Pregnancy?

S.K. asks from Chicago

Hi Mamas! I just found out I am pregnant and am wondering if aspartame is safe to consume while pregnant. This is my 3rd pregnancy and I stayed away from it with th...


Safe Medicines During Pregnancy

J.S. asks from Springfield

Does anyone know of any over-the-counter cold medicines that are safe to take during pregnancy, or any home remedies that work to relieve symptoms? I haven't yet been...


Where to Live?????? Safe Community?

T.C. asks from Dallas

ok mom's. =) I have been debating for a long time on this and really need help. I grew up in Mesquite, but it has gone down hill. =( I really want to live in a safe p...


Bunk Bed? Is It Safe?

N.G. asks from Dallas

Our third child is on the way (a boy), due to be born in December. Our two girls, 8 and 5, will have to share a room. Their room is pretty decent size (10' x 12'), ...

12 Long Is It Safe to Take It?

H.L. asks from Philadelphia

Dear Mamas, I've been going through a very stressful time in my life and have been for many months now I'm concerned because I'm breastfeeding and don't want to d...

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Answer Highlights

  • its a wireless signal in 2 answers "... the craziest thing i've ever heard.. it's not radiation it's a wireless signal ..."
  • artificial sweeteners in 3 answers "I have been using artificial sweeteners almost all my life -- since I was 11."
  • birth control pills in 3 answers "i haven't used that but, my ob gave me birth control pills that didn't have estrogen ..."
  • diet coke in 4 answers "I also drank Crystal Lite and Caffene free Diet Coke."
  • lactation consultant in 5 answers "I just wanted to share the contact info for an amazing lactation consultant in the ..."