raw honey

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Foods to Avoid?

L.H. asks from Auburn

My daughter just turned 1 and I was wondering if there are still any foods that I should avoid giving her? (Like- honey, peanut butter, etc.)


Homeopathic Allergy Solutions for Toddler?

S.B. asks from Lincoln

I took my little one to the doctor this morning (he's 1 1/2) suspecting allergies and the doctor did verify that he has allergies. She suggested Claritan (kid versio...


Has Anyone Made Their Own Homemade Formula?

S.B. asks from Atlanta

I am looking into the possibility of making my own formula for my 8 week old son. He is suffering from severe reflux. Has anyone ever made their own formula? Do yo...


6 Month Old Twins - When to Eat Certain Foods?

A.B. asks from Phoenix

I know there are certain things that are easier to eat than others, BUT I want to be sure that there aren't any OFF LIMITS foods. Some people say that they just grind...


UPDATED: Help Me like oatmeal....how Do You Take Yours?

L.. asks from Roanoke

I want to like oatmeal, I really do. My husband loves it, and he would like to have it for breakfast more often. It's good for you, heart healthy, and it would be a ...


Can someone suggest a healthy cake recipes for a 1 year old?

G.G. asks from Santa Barbara

I am very annal about trying to feed my son raw organic good foods. He is turning 1 years old next weekend and I am searching for a healthy cake, treat for his birthd...


Vegetable Recipes

L.G. asks from Minneapolis

I love vegetables (cooked or raw) and my husband only likes them raw. We have a 16 month old who I'm trying to get to eat a wider variety of vegetables. Right now, mo...


Natural Cough Remedies

S.D. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms! I am currently 19 weeks pregnant and have had a lingering cough for about a week now and it seems to be getting worse. I do not want to take any OTC drugs ev...


Giving Toddler Peanut Butter.??

L.C. asks from Chicago

I have a 13 month old son and he pretty much eats anything, has had no reactions (so far). I want to give him some peanut butter maybe spread it thin on a piece of b...


Question About Food.

B.O. asks from Spokane

I have a quick question I read something about corn syrup having the same effect as honey on children under a year old. Has anyone fed your child applesauce from the ...

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