pregnant while pregnant

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Could I Be Pregnant??

N.O. asks from Detroit

Can anyone share with me what kinds ofn early signs they had that they knew they were pregnant? other than the obvious(missed period, throwing up) My husband and...


Am I Pregnant or Not?

C.K. asks from Dallas

Here is what happened in a nutshell: My period was late, I took a pregnancy test, it was positive. 2 days later, I had a second test so thought why not take it? It...


Pregnant Again?

K.M. asks from Columbus

Hi, moms! I just found out last night that I'm pregnant for the second time. This is something I've wanted since my daughter was about 2 weeks old (she's now 11 mont...


Could I Be Pregnant?

G.M. asks from Las Vegas

Hi Moms, I have struggled with infertiltiy for many years, we adopted two children and were told I'd never get pregnant. For the last 10 years or so, I've been on...


Could I Be Pregnant?

B.P. asks from Dallas

Ok, here's my problem. I'm 42 years old and my husband and I have been married for over 18 years and have two beautiful daughters 15 and 8. We don't have an active s...



A.N. asks from Grand Junction

ok moms, my husband and i already have three kids and took precautions not to have more, he got a vasectomy in may of '07. i know they are not always a hundred perce...


Am I Pregnant

M.B. asks from Eugene

Two Days ago I woke up with the worst cramps. They were so bad, that I had to ask my husband to stay home for a couple hours to help with my kids. I was bloated as we...


Could I Be Pregnant Again?

J.D. asks from Los Angeles

My baby daughter is 4 1/2 months old and I'm afraid that I could be pregnant again. I had a regular period in February and March. I SHOULD have started on April 1st. ...


I'm Pregnant!!!

K.S. asks from Washington DC

Hello all! I just found out today that I am pregnant with my second! I was going to ask you all a special way to tell daddy, but I couldn't wait so I gave my litt...


Pregnant Again?!?!?!?

K.G. asks from Minneapolis

I have a four year old son, a two year old son, and a daughter who is 2 1/2 months old. I think I might be pregnant again, and I'm kind of freaking out about it. ...

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Answer Highlights

  • 5 days before your period in 2 answers "... are tests u can buy that will give an accurate result 5 days before your period ..."
  • new bundle of joy in 2 answers "She will be very helpful and possesive of the new bundle of joy... Also about telling ..."
  • because of breast tenderness in 2 answers "I knew I was pregnant right away with my 2nd because of breast tenderness."
  • im going to be a big sister in 2 answers "I would make her a T-shirt that says 'I'm going to be a Big Sister'"
  • dont get your period in 2 answers "I would just say that if you don't get your period for another week, get tested."