ovulation due date

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Results 21-30 from 251 articles

20 Wk U/s Large Stomach for Date?

A.J. asks from Sacramento

We just went in for our 20 wk u/s yesterday (I'm 21 weeks today), and the tech said that the baby was measuring about 1.5 weeks larger except for his stomach. She sai...



S.D. asks from Boston

Hello Everyone, I have bought several ovulation kits and done the "online calendars." I just cannot seem to find the day I am ovulating. I get my period every m...


Irregular Cycles

L.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, I have an irregular cycle and take 1400mg of metformin daily. Does any know of a good website to use or any recommendations to keep track of cycles and ovulation...


Are There Pregnancy Symptoms Before Implantation?

H.A. asks from Los Angeles

I have read on a lot of boards, women claiming to have symptoms between 1-5 days past ovulation. The fertilized egg doesn't implant until days 6-12 past ovulation. Is...


After Miscarriage

S.C. asks from Sioux Falls

Does anyone know how I would figure out the date of my last period? After miscarrying last month on the 8th, I bled for 6 days and havent gotten my regular period yet...


Menstrual Cycle Question????

K.R. asks from Seattle

I have always maintained a 28 day cycle I have been TTC... so for one year I have been tracking my MC I went to a track your cycle website fertility ovulation t...


Trying to Get Pregnant Need Moms Advice

R.M. asks from Rockford

My husband and i just got married in october and we are excited about adding another child to our family. We are trying to get pregnant and i was wondering if any of ...


Time to See a Fertility Specialist?

A.D. asks from Philadelphia

I had an early miscarriage/chemical pregnancy last September, and we started TTC again in November. I've been charting most months, and have a very regular cycle; we'...


Trying to Get Pregnant

C.B. asks from Hartford

my husband and i have been trying to get pregnant, and ive been off of birth control since september. we are "active" but not consistantly. does anyone know how to fi...


Pregnancy Questions

J.B. asks from Los Angeles

my hubby and I have been trying for baby # 2. My last period was January 25th, so I am due to start tomorrow. I usually get symptoms a week before, but haven't had an...

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