ovulation due date

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Results 31-40 from 251 articles

Could I Be Pregnant???

C.C. asks from Seattle

I'm curous what you might think... I'm trying to get pregnant and have been monitoring my cycle and ovulation schedule since December. I average a 25 day cycle and h...


Getting Pregnant While Breastfeeding

M.B. asks from Chicago

Hi, I have a 10 month old son who I am still breastfeeding. I would like to get pregnant again, but I have not gotten my period back yet. I am not ready to wean him...


Trying to Get Pregnant

J.C. asks from Cleveland

Hello Everyone! I am sure this is a frequent topic . . . .My husband (30) and I (31) have been trying to get pregnant for about 6 months now and have been unsuccessfu...


How Early Is Too Early for a Pregnancy Test to Be Accurate?

R.M. asks from Chicago

New to the mamapedia so I don't know all the abbreviations :) I am currently 15 days past ovulation, and one day late for my period. I haven't been having my typical ...


Having Trouble Getting Pregnant

C.G. asks from Dallas

Me and My husband havnt really been trying to get pregant the last 3yrs but havent had any luck either. We have one daughter who is 4 1/2 we didnt even try with her, ...


Induce or Not?

A.L. asks from Lincoln

My calendar due date is tomorrow, but from the ovulation tests I think that the 30th is more accurate. My dr has asked me 3 times in the last 2 weeks to induce, but ...


36 Week Sono - 34 Wk Head Measurement?

T.B. asks from New York

I had my 36 week sono and i watched the screen. The tech took 3 measurements of the head. One measured 33 wks+ gestational age, one 34 + wks and one 35 + wks. The ...


Getting Pregnant

R.F. asks from Dallas

My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 6 months now. We are not concerned about infertility but I am concerned about my irregular period. Nearly every ...


Have Any Moms Taken Clomid?

D.K. asks from San Francisco

Hi moms, My husband and I are trying to conceive our second child. However, it's proving to be not as easy as the first time. The first time I got pregnant very...


Can an Ultrasound Project an EDD of 2 Weeks Early??

S.J. asks from Rochester

I know the conception date is April 17th, which would make the EDD Jan 22 but we're being told it's Jan 4th... 2 weeks and 4 days before conception. Is this possible ...

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