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Results 61-70 from 297 articles

Looking for a Sweet Girl Name for Third Baby

C.S. asks from San Francisco

I would love to hear some great girl name suggestions. We already have a name if it's a boy, but are stuck if it is a girl.


Almost 37 Weeks Pregnant and We Still Have Not Picked a Name!

M.E. asks from Jacksonville

I will be 37 weeks pregnant on Thursday and my husband and I have still not picked a name! We are having a boy. We did not have this problem with our first 2 children...


Last Baby Name Question I Promise!

M.B. asks from St. Louis

Hi! So we have decided to name our baby girl Karli. Im not completely sold on a middle name yet. Our first daughter's middle name is Lynn, which is my sisters mid...


Baby Girl Middle Name Help!

S.R. asks from Kansas City

What is a good second middle name to go between Lucy and Eileen. Eileen is a family middle name, so it is a must. But the two don't flow together...maybe putting some...


Need a Baby Name Quick Please!

A.T. asks from Chicago

So we are trying to name our little girl that will be here in just a few weeks and we are having great difficulty so I would love your ideas! In a nutshell, we are l...


Help! Need a Name for 2Nd Baby

A.U. asks from Detroit

Hi, I'm due in less than 5 weeks (10/31) and we still have not picked out a name. Nothing we've talked about feels right.. its crazy. My daughers name is Emily Renee...


Need Help Deciding on Baby #2'S Name!!

E.P. asks from Washington DC

I like the name Jasper and my husband is keen to Corbin. What do you prefer? Our 1st son is named Miles and I think Jasper and Miles is cute!


Need Help with a Name - Victoria or Helen?

O.V. asks from New York

Hi ladies, I need help with a name for our soon to be born daughter. Initially both my husband and I liked Helen and thought we settled on a name. Then I starte...


Need Help Picking Out Baby Name!!!

P.M. asks from Phoenix

So I'm 33 weeks pregnant and realized yesterday I'm not sure if I can name our baby what we picked out over 3 months ago!!! Her name that we chose is "Felicity Briel...

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