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Working Moms

M.F. asks from Youngstown

I just want to say I have such a respect for all you working moms. Part time or full time. You ladies are amazing. I am a SAHM and I dont' know how you do it. Working...


When Did We Stop Being Moms?

J.W. asks from St. Louis

I was a stay at home for 18 years and I loved almost every moment of it. Almost every because really raising kids is the one area where annual review come in the for...


PTA Moms

R.. asks from San Antonio

The birthday party question below made me wonder about everyone's school and PTA. I am on our executive board and hold an office (well if you hold an office you ...


Other ADD Moms Out There? How Do You Do It?

A.H. asks from Milwaukee

Any other moms with adult add out there that want to share advice? Im lost. My bills are sitting on the table unpaid, My house is a mess,I habitually get to work at 8...


What's "The Mom Team"??

P. asks from Houston

Could someone tell me what The Mom Team does?


Asking Again MOMS!!

S.M. asks from New York

Hello Ladies, This is my second request in this matter. I am now starting to get very emotional and frustrated. My almost 2 year old which she will be in two in Ja...


Are Most Moms like Me?

L.L. asks from Orlando

I am very loving w/my daughter. She is my world. Of course I have moments where I get frustrated with her or whatever and she gets in trouble. Or I may speak a little...


Seeking Moms

E.S. asks from Grand Rapids

Im 8 months prego and so far me and my husband spent alots money because he was fighting for the custody of his 7 years old daughter his lawyer cost $10.000 dollars a...


Working Moms

M.W. asks from Orlando

I'm really struggling with the decision to go back to work after maternity leave. My leave ends soon and I'll be headed back to work at the end of this month when my...


Working Moms

A.F. asks from New York

For those of you who work full-time in a paid position (outside the home) and are moms' I'd like to know how you balance it all. How do you make time to cook, clean, ...

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