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Results 41-50 from 12,282 articles

"Class Mom's"

C.M. asks from Myrtle Beach

Today when my daughter's preschool was let out, her teacher rushed out, and pulled me aside (of course my heart drops into my stomach thinking my little girl was bad....


A Network of Moms Helping Each Other

A.J. asks from Dallas

I have an idea for a network of single parents and I need some feedback as well as a response from those of you who might be interested in being a part of this. I had...


Burned Out on Being Mom

J.C. asks from Roanoke

I feel guilty even asking this. I feel burned out on being mom. I quit my job 3 years ago to be a stay-at-home mom, and now I have a 1 YO and a 4 YO. I had a good c...


Gossiping Mom

B.D. asks from Norfolk

Hello Ladies, Has anyone ever had a problem with another mom gossiping? When I just moved here in October 07, I had a neighbor befriend me. She seemed to be a ...


Am I a Helicopter Mom?

K.S. asks from Minneapolis

Hi moms - I was talking to a friend about something that happened with my 3 1/2 year old daughter, and the friend said I was a helicopter mom and need to back off ...


Criticism from Mom

A.E. asks from San Francisco

Hello. Hoping to get some advice on how to handle the situation with my mom. I have a beautiful son who is now 16.5 months old. Pretty much since he has been born ...


Overwhelmed Mom Seeking Advice from Other Moms

S.H. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms! This is a question with many facets...I'll try to explain it as briefly as possible. I have a 3 year old son and a 5 month old daughter. My husband and I ...


Helping My Daughter Cope and Be Strong

J.W. asks from Spokane

I am worried about my 11 years old daughter. Her name is Rachel. She has this friend who is not being a friend, and is being rude, mean, and hateful, and the sad par...


Mom of the Year

J.S. asks from Jacksonville

My friend and I play this game. We tell each other things that we know will never win us mom of the year awards. Hers the other day was she let the kids eat cupcakes ...


Any Homebirth Mom's Out There?

A.B. asks from San Antonio

I am planning a homebirth for our second baby and am very excited about it! Are there any other mom's out there that have had a good homebirth or natural birth expiri...

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Answer Highlights

  • being a helicopter parent in 3 answers "I do not think you are being a helicopter parent, though I would not have left so ..."
  • hurting your feelings in 5 answers "tell her that she is hurting your feelings and that if she doesn't stop you won't ..."
  • back into the work force in 2 answers "I am trying to get a job and get back into the work force after being out of it for ..."
  • your parenting skills in 3 answers "... you about herself, and her needs, not about you and your parenting skills."
  • calling you a bad mommy in 3 answers "She really shouldnt' be calling you a bad mommy period but especially not in front ..."