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Results 31-40 from 17,088 articles

Cell Phone for Child

S.B. asks from Minneapolis

I need some advice. I have an 11 year old and bought him a phone. Who out there thinks this is too young ... please explain? And who out there thinks I should ...


How to Trace a Cell Phone?

M. asks from Houston

Hi, does anyone know how I can trace a cell phone number? We receive periodic prank calls from someone we suspect (possibly their friend's phone) but the number is a ...


Gps--separate Unit or on Phone

M.G. asks from Washington DC

We are thinking of getting GPS. Would you recommend getting it on the phone or a separate unit? I haven't used one on a phone before but used a Garmin that came wit...


Cable, Phone, Internet

T.G. asks from Kansas City

I have been going through Roadrunner/Time Warner for the cable, phone, & internet so that I have all the services on one bill. I'm having some issues with their speci...


What's the Best Cell Phone Deal????

L.S. asks from Orlando

Hello Moms, I just started working outside of the home and we believe that we'll be needed a cell phone. We haven't had a cell phone while in America. We did whe...


Managing Your Phone in Your Car ETA

E.B. asks from Honolulu

My question is not about texting or anything, but about the physical management of the phone in the car. EDITED: I don't make calls on my phone when driving, nor do...


New Verzion Cell Phone

C.M. asks from St. Louis

I need help! I am eligible for a new Verizon cell phone (for free with new every 2)...but do not want one that requires a Data Package. I text and call.... a good cam...


Young Child Having a Cell Phone?

M.. asks from Detroit

Electronic question got me thinking. My daughter is only 7, which I agree is too young for a phone. But, I was thinking about getting her one in a couple years. We...


Phone and Internet Service

T.Z. asks from Dallas

My AT&T phone and internet bill seems to be getting progressively higher. It is $124.95 this month for all distance phone service and mid level internet service. The ...


Cell Phone Confusion

D.G. asks from Dallas

I really want to upgrade to a smart phone. BUT I don't do the cell phone contracts. I am with T-Mobile and so far they have been pretty good and I like the price. ...

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