food counter

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Public Restroom Diaper Changing W/o Counter

H.A. asks from Sacramento

My daughter's asking for any/all ideas for diaper-changing an infant in a public restroom if there is no area provided and no flat surface other than the floor. She ...


Sneaking Food

J.T. asks from Pittsburgh

I am raising my grandchildren and my 9 year old grandson is sneaking food. The doctor has recommended watching his weight because his BMI is way too high. He doesn'...


Am I Responsible for "Their" Food?

A.P. asks from Dallas

So I am preparing for my son's 1st birthday party next month and I have almost everything together except one thing: the food. We are having a BBQ at a park and will ...


Food Allergy?

C.M. asks from Columbus

I have three children. My youngest turned one on Friday. I am worried that she has some sort of food allergy, but I can't pin point what it is. When she eats Macar...


Food Allergies?

C.D. asks from Los Angeles

Lately my daughters have had constant diarehha. Its been going on for about 3 weeks. There is no fever, they play and eat fine. All around normal healthy kids. It...


Food Issues

E.M. asks from Louisville

i have an 8 year old whos always been on the small side and honestly thats fine with me i would rather haver her small but he dr wants her to put on some weight bc of...


Food Aversion

B.S. asks from Kansas City

Ok, so I know this is my 100th post but you girls are just so good at offering advice. Here's another one... I'm almost 7 weeks pregnant with #2. This past week or...


Questions About Food Processors

A.H. asks from Salt Lake City

I am thinking of getting a food processor but I am not sure of some things. One is what brand/kind is best? Do you have to pay a fortune for a good one? Another qu...


Finding Hair in Food

C.C. asks from Portland

Ew. I know. Somone in our family likes to make food for us. More and more, I keep finding hair in it. It has gotten to the point where I literally cannot eat what...


Cat Food for Frequent UTI

K.K. asks from Chicago

Was wondering if anyone could recommend an over the counter cat food that is good for urinary tract health? My cats are in their 3rd week/ 2nd round of antibiotics f...

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