Early Childhood Intervention

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Results 81-90 from 1,270 articles

In Need of Behavior/discipline Help

A.B. asks from Chicago

My oldest son, who is 34 months old, was evaluated last week for sensory issues. He is currently in speech therapy once a week and the speech therapist suggested that...


Borderline Austim in Toddler?

J.A. asks from Florence

My son is now 21 months old. He does not talk, or mimic sounds, although he does babble. Sometimes it sounds like he says a word out of the blue (like shoe ie we were...


Where to Start...

N.K. asks from Dallas

My 3 year old son has always been "weird." Let me explain: He is very impulsive, easily over stimulated. He constantly hurts his sisters. Hitting, biting, pinching...


Seeking Suggestions on Preschool Issue

E.P. asks from Chicago

Hi there. I have a situation. My son is attending Preschool this year. For a year, he was in Early Intervention until he was 3. He was taking 3 therapy sessions, ...


Need Help with 2 Year Old's Behavior... Please!!

J.R. asks from Providence

Hi Everyone. I have two children. A 4 yo son and a 2 yr 5mo old daughter. My son is extremely well behaved. He has his typical age-appropriate issues, but mostly ...


Speech and Other Dev. Delays

D.Q. asks from Norfolk

HELP!!! My 2 year old son has zero words and doesn't really TRY to communicate...I am sooo frustrated. I can't help him and I never know what he wants!! So, my fir...


IEP, IFSP...huh???

S.T. asks from Kansas City

okay, in Missouri we have a program First Steps. I know every state probably has a similar program. my toddler gets his speech therapy with this program and his ST co...


4 Yr. Old Given 4 Differen Diagnosis by 4 Different Therapists

T.L. asks from Washington DC

My son Aden is 4 years old and since he was an infant he was always very difficult to console and could not self calm. He had crying fits off and on all day and ther...


The Toe Walking Is Driving Me Crazy!

M.B. asks from Florence

Okay, my wonderful sweet boy drives me crazy by walking on his toes! Now he has added a hand thing to it. To where he looks kinda gay when he walks. How can I get him...


20 Month Old Won't Talk

L.J. asks from Austin

I have a 20 month old, very smart little boy that won't talk. that isn't so much the problem since he hears and understands everything we say to him. The problem is t...

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