Early Childhood Intervention

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Assistance Programs or Pediatrician Referrals for 2 Yo with Non-autistic ASD

A.T. asks from Minneapolis

hi mamas, please help if you have any advice. my family is relocating to the north metro area from out of state. my 2 yo son was just evaluated for ASD and we were ...


Possible Relocation! Info on Special Needs IEP Services in the Dallas Area HELP!

L.W. asks from Dallas

Hello mommies of Texas! My family and I live in Richmond Virginia and we recently found out that there might be a move in our future to an area of North Dallas, Plano...


21 Month Old Still Not Talking

S.S. asks from Des Moines

My son just turned 21 months old at the end of February & he just started "repeating" mama back to us when we ask him "Can you say mama?" I am told & have read that ...


Not Speaking Much at 20 Months in a Multilingual Family

G.T. asks from Boston

My son turned 20 months a couple of weeks ago. I'm a little concerned regarding his speech development. He speaks very few words (Mama, papa, no, tata for pacifier,...


Advice on Having Two Babies Very Close Together

D.M. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, I was hoping some of you might share with me your words of wisdom concerning having two babies very close together. I have a 11 1/2 month old baby girl an...


Online Resources to Help Speech Delayed Toddler?

D.M. asks from Dallas

My son had ear tubes put in approximately a month ago. The tubes were put in to correct mild hearing loss as a result of middle ear fluid from an ear infection severa...


Would You Say Something to Friend About Concerns for Her Daughter?

M.R. asks from Kansas City

My neighbor/friend has a daughter the same age as mine. Her daughter wasn't talking a lot and my friend has expressed concerns to me. I just tried to reassure her t...


Dealing with Possible Articulation Disorders?

J.B. asks from Columbus

Hi moms~ I took my daughter to the Dr. yesterday for her 4 yr old checkup. Her pediatrician said that she's pretty much "exceeding all her developmental level expecta...


Friend's Son May Be Autistic--say Something or Not?

E.M. asks from Denver

My sister and I have a friend whose son has SEVERAL red flags for autism. Autism is something I know a lot about--I nannied for a boy (who was 2.5 at the time) an...


My 2 Year Old Doesnt Talk...

J.B. asks from Minneapolis

HI, My first son is about to turn 2 in September and doesn't talk much at all. He has about 10-15 words but doesn't use them consistently. He tries really hard at sa...

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