due date

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Developed Asthma Due to Pregnancy

My daughter has never had any lung issues to date - she is very healthy. I'm pregnant with my second and ... due date for pregnancy · pregnancy and due date ...

Maternity Leave in California

I know that California offers expecting moms 4 weeks prior to due date. My question is that 'due date' is the natural due date? or the scheduled c-section ...

How Soon Do You Think I Am?

If your due date is Oct 7th, you don't want to rush things along too quick. ... Since the due dates are typically figured for 40 weeks, you won't want to ...

Mistaking How Far Along You Are?

as far as pregnancy and due dates everything is a guess based on the ... The bummer was that both times it pushed my "due date" back by a couple of weeks. ...

What Does It Feel like to Have a "Lightening"

Read all 10 responses: "My due date is the 29th and I still dont feel like my boy is ready to come out :( My boss thinks I've dropped.

Leaving the Workplace

I took off 2 weeks before my due date. And my son came that weekend. ... You are allowed to take up to 4 weeks before your due date and 6 weeks after ...

Need Doula Advice

How long is it safe to go past the due date? I really don't want an induction if possible! I desperately want this baby to come naturally. Thanks so much! ...

1St Baby Born Early, Is It Likely My 2Nd One Will Be Too?

My 1st was 2 days before due date, my 2nd was 9 days before, and my 3rd .... Technically, 37 weeks isn't really that early, considering your due date is ...

Second Baby....

I also had him earlier than due date. After I had my second son was born I .... So, my first was on the due date (I say that, because it was the first due ...

Second Child

I was one day past my due date. I had my first baby 2 weeks early, so I was .... My first child was born a day before my due date and he was 10 lbs. 3 oz. ...
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Answer Highlights

  • weeks before your due date in 2 answers "You are allowed to take up to 4 weeks before your due date and 6 weeks after vaginal ..."
  • 4 weeks before the due date in 2 answers "... a week for the pregnancy, so my doctor wrote me off 4 weeks before the due date."
  • than the general dating system in 2 answers "... uncommon for ultrasounds to date differently than the general dating system ..."
  • day after his due date in 2 answers "My first, son, came a day after his due date and weighed 7lbs 15oz."
  • their due dates in 3 answers "From what I understand, most doctors do not let a mother go past their due dates but ..."