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M.D. asks from Sioux Falls

I have been married for 8 years and since we married around 41 yrs of age I thought we'd grow old together, but no he did have an affair and now we're in the middle o...



R.G. asks from Los Angeles

I stay home and attend to the needs of our 5 kids and our home. my husband works full-time and is part of a soccer club organization part-time. when he has free tim...


Husbands Drug Addiction

S.I. asks from Chattanooga

My husband has had two car wrecks that have hurt his back within the last 5-6 years and now he has slowly became addicted to pain pills. He is a wonderful father to ...


Reason to Believe My Husband Is Cheating...

A. asks from Detroit

I have reason to believe my husband of 1&1/2 years is cheating. Before we were married he had been unfaithful multiple times during our 4 year relationship. I guess...


Not Even Married . . . What's the Difference?

M.H. asks from Lansing

I know I'm probably going to get blasted on this . . . but for my own curiosity . . . what's the difference? If your living together, paying bills together, have kids...


How Does Your Husband Treat You (Branching off Cheryl's Question)

S.J. asks from St. Louis

A few days ago Cheryl posted about a friend whose husband is not nice to her, a lot of verbal rudeness. I saw a lot of moms respond "I wouldn't put up with that" or ...


Do You Have a Joint Checking Account with Your Husband?

L.B. asks from New York

I have been married for five years, and for the last year plus have been staying home with my son. Before I was a teacher, and I made my own salary, although it was ...


The Trouble with names...and Also Custody

A.M. asks from Grand Rapids

my 3 yr old currently has a hyphenated last name (mine then her bio dad)and it is quite extensive. see, once upon a time we were going to get married and then i had a...


Nosy Mother in Law

A.G. asks from Sarasota

I thought my mother in law was a very nice lady but this last few months she has been showing her true colors. she has gotten in between her brother and his wife so ...


Separating from My Husband

J.D. asks from Dallas

next week i will be separating from my husband and moving into my own home with our daughter. This has been a long time coming. I won't be able to file for divorce ...

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