cure for yeast infection

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Results 31-40 from 632 articles

Help! Fast Relief for Yeast Infection... :/

A.G. asks from Provo

I'm on antibiotics for strep throat and have gotten a nasty yeast infection...I feel like I am going insane...I want to rip myself to shreds it is so irritated and it...


Getting Back to "Normal" After a Yeast Infection

C.B. asks from Odessa

I recently within the last few months have had 2 yeast infections. I had never had one previously. I began taking acidophilus after my prescribed treatment. The infec...


Yeast Infection in 2 Yr Old

K.D. asks from Raleigh

My 2 yr old girl has had a bumpy rash on her bottom for several weeks now. It doesn't seem to bother her, and her pediatrician says it is a yeast infection. I've tr...


Help for Yeast Infection in 4-1/2 Year Old!

L.R. asks from Chicago

My daughter has been taking antibiotics this week and has developed a yeast infection from them. I talked to the nurse at her doctor's office this morning and she re...


Diaper Rash Vs. Yeast Infection

M.O. asks from Denver

My 14 mo. old daughter has never had a diaper rash before now. She has had diarrhea for the past 24 hours or so. I know that this can cause a diaper rash. Since sh...


Yeast Infection on Skin - Not Going Away

C.L. asks from Cedar Rapids

My daughter (3) has a spot on the inside of her arm right before it becomes her armpit. It's about the size of a pepperoni (that's actually what we call it lol). Anyw...


? On Yeast Infections

T.G. asks from Dallas

It seems in the last year I've been having back to back yeast infections. I never have an infection until I got pregnant in 2008. After the pregnancy no issues until ...


Toddler with a Yeast Infection

N.T. asks from Jacksonville

My otherwise always healthy 2 1/2 year-old daughter is prone to yeast infections and I feel terrible knowing how uncomfortable she must feel. (I've had my share over ...


5 Month Old with a Recurring Yeast Infection

C.F. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, I was wondering if anyone else had a problem with their babies having a recurring yeast infection? I have a 5 month old baby boy and this is the second time he's ...


Stubborn Yeast

J.S. asks from San Francisco

Does anyone have any advice on how to get rid of a stubborn yeast infection naturally? I've tried Candaclear which is a homeopathic suppository. I went through two ...

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