creative names for grandmother

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Results 61-70 from 225 articles

Gift Idea for Picky Mom

L.W. asks from Dallas

Hi Mamma's! MY Mama lives in Canada, She is very well off. I have no idea what to get her! She buys whatever she wants anyway, plus she is SO picky! She cannot wea...


Competition for the "Perfect" Baby Name.

M.W. asks from Madison

I'm sure many of you have had this or similar situations happen to you and I am looking for some ideas on how to handle an awkward situation. I am expecting my third...


Mother in Law Finally Has Decided What to Be Called and I Don't like It!

E.B. asks from Los Angeles

What do I do... My mother in law always said she would be called whatever the kids come up with to call her. She has called herself various different names and has fi...


Ideas for Adult 50'S Theme Aprty W/ Kids Also

P. asks from Boca Raton

I am planning (at the last minute) a surprise b-day party for my super mother-in-law. I am having it at her clubhouse and as far as the room goes, it's big, open and ...


Imaginary Friends

K.N. asks from Austin

Ok, quick question: Our almost 3 year old has recently started having imaginary friends. It started with her telling us "Sandy is coming over to play with me... Oh, ...


I Just Found Out I'm Pregnant! I Need Ideas for How to Tell My Husband!

J.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hello all you wonderful Mommies out there!! I'm in need of your assistance. I just found out that I'm pregnant with our 2nd baby. We had been trying for 2 months. ...


Ideas for Announcing Pregnancy Along with My SIL

F.A. asks from Spartanburg

So it could be possible for my SIL and I to end up prego at the same time again. I/we are debating on announcing it together to our MIL on her birthday, if things wor...


Should I Hold My Daughter Back?

I.R. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter is almost 5 but was born 10 weeks early. She is enrolled in kindergarten for September but I'm not sure she is ready. Emotionally and socially she is very...


X-mas Ideas for Grandparents

H.T. asks from Detroit

I am trying to find really neat, personal gifts to get my parents and inlaws this year. This is their 1st year as "Grandparents"...and I want to be able to get them ...


Wording on Birthday Cake

J.D. asks from Dayton

Maybe a silly question, but I am drawing a blank on what to write on a birthday cake, other than "happy birthday!" The person is mom, grandma, great-grandma, and aunt...

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