covering up back acne

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Results 41-50 from 78 articles

HELPPP Poison Ivy Weeping Horribly!!!

A.P. asks from Tulsa

Okay I need help This is the second time I have got into poison Ivy!! last time I had it on my face, neck, lower back and legs. I got it before it became to bad and a...


Hormonal/Ovulation Breakouts

N.V. asks from Boston

After having my second child, I've noticed that I break out on the right side of my face (usually a cluster of about 3 pimples) and also a couple under my jawline. T...


Daughter Pulling Out Hair

L.M. asks from Benton Harbor

Hello everyone. I have been going through a tough time with my 12yo daughter. About 3 months ago I noticed her pulling her hair out. She had hair also to her elbows a...


Blemish Sticks or Other Advice

H.A. asks from Waterloo

Have any of you moms ever tried the Burt's Bees Herbal Blemish Stick? Does it work? I have normal type skin and have been using Clinique soap for yrs, but now all of ...


Bleach in Baby’s Bath?????

E.B. asks from Philadelphia

My 14 month old son has about 10 bumps on his body (6 on arms, 2 belly, 1 back, 2 legs). They have been appearing and changing in appearance over the past 6 days. I...


Help with Skincare

T.M. asks from Wichita Falls

My oldest daughter is 11 and she has well... developed very quickly. She has oily skin and has started developing pimples and black heads. We have tried the Neutrog...


Make-up for 14-Year-old

B.K. asks from Chicago

My daughter (8th grader) hardly wears any make-up. Never wears any to school, andonly sometimes puts on some lip gloss or some eye shadow on the weekends. She has bea...


Help with a Facial Product

C.F. asks from Dallas

WEll I finshed Acutain and now my face isnt broken out at all. However I do uneven skin and some red marks that I need to fade inorder to feel confident enough to not...


Getting Rid of Mucus for My 3 Yr Old

J.V. asks from San Francisco

My daughter has alot of mucus that needs to be blowed out she refuses to blow and I still use the suction bulb we literally have to hold her down because she does hav...


Age Spots/Blemishes

D.S. asks from San Francisco

I just saw this question asked by another mom and I too would be interested in hearing some good advice for 2 age spots on my face. I've tried a few creams but they ...

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