celebrity weight loss

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Results 21-30 from 39 articles

Strange Facebook Question

J.W. asks from St. Louis

Is there some new trend to use some old picture of yourself as your profile picture or are a fair few of my facebook friends going through some messed up midlife cris...


Advocare or Shakeology?

B.K. asks from New York

I used plexus slim and it gave me amazing results. I had to quit taking it though because it was making me feel weird. I'm just wondering if anyone can give me review...


Acia Berry and Cleansing Pills

S.K. asks from Denver

Has anyone tried the acia berry pills along with the cleansing pills? Do they really work? I have been watching what I eat and going to the gym 3-4 days a week and ...


Diet Pills

T.C. asks from Chicago

Hi moms, Has anyone ever used diet pills that worked? There are so many out there now; Jillian Michaels, Kim Kardashian, Alli, etc... I need to lose about 20 lbs...


Need to Loose 5-8 Lbs in Less than Two Weeks!

A.B. asks from Dallas

Hi All...I am so embarrassed. I am in a wedding in less than two weeks. I went to try on the dress last night and it is way to tight. When I purchased the dress in...


I Need Help..

A.B. asks from Phoenix

hello, i need to lose 20 pounds, i just had a baby girl on jan6th and need to lose some extra pounds...any advice..y new years resolotion is to eat healthy be healthy...


Hair Falling Out After Having Baby

M.L. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, After having two boys, I finally got my little girl. She's 4 months old and a delight. My problem is my long hair has suddenly started falling out. . .a...


Want to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

T.D. asks from Dallas

Okay ladies. I know we have all tried just about every diet known to man in order to lose the baby pooch. My daughter is almost 5 and I still look pregnant. How ca...


Colon Cleanse

M.M. asks from Santa Barbara

Hello Mamas, I would like to hear of anyone's experience with "super colon cleanse" from Trader Joe's. I am considering doing a cleanse in the near future (1st time) ...


Realizing You Arnt His Perfect Girl

C.Z. asks from Sioux City

So why I started this conversation with bf is beyond me. I was asking him a whole bunch of questions like who was your best, if you could have one of your ex's back w...

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