business services

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Results 31-40 from 4,314 articles

Help/advice on Starting New Business.

D.P. asks from Bellingham

My current job will be drastically changing in the next 4-6 months and I am not sure how stable my position will be. I am currently able to telecommute and being at ...


How to Market My Credit Repair Business

J.M. asks from Dallas

Hello momma's out there. My name is Jessica and I am a stay at home mom. I have opened up my own credit repair company and started my business. I was wondering if you...


Question for Business Owners About Advertising

S.S. asks from Dallas

Hi ladies, My husband is starting up his own pool business and we're looking into various advertising methods. For those of you who have your own businesses, can you...


Help Building My Business

E.L. asks from Dallas

Hi, I am a hairstylist who recently decided to leave the employee based salon I was at and go into business for myself. It was not a hard decision since my family i...


Strange Question, but - Is Anyone in the Funeral Services Career?

P.G. asks from Dallas

Hi moms, I'm trying to find my passion and career direction, and for some reason, I'm being drawn in this direction. I'm still in the research stage, but the few p...


New Business Idea for Husband and Myself.

M.S. asks from Dallas

My husband and I have both been laid-off and are not having much luck finding a new job. I came up with an idea of a dog poop picking up company. I looked online an...


Just Started My Own Business!

L.L. asks from Chicago

I just quit my part time job to start my own business. I have become an Independant Representaive for Jordan Essentials (formerly Country Bunny Bath & Body) Has anyon...


Is an in Home Daycare a Good Business?

B.D. asks from Augusta

I would like to start an in home daycare but am not sure about start up costs and all the red tape that goes along with it? and also is it a good business? is it wort...


Party Planning Business

J.L. asks from Springfield

It has always been my dream career to start my own event planning business...or at least work for one. I have a degree in PR and have experience from my current job (...


School or Small Business

T.B. asks from Seattle

Hello, Im struggling with trying to determine which step I should take next in my life. Ive been a stay at home mom for 5 years now and my son will be attending kinde...

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