abuse of children

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Results 81-90 from 164 articles

Extremely Worried About Sister

A.P. asks from Dallas

Thanks all for the advice, actions are underway.


Ex Husband Frustrations...

R.P. asks from Houston

Ok, I will try to make this short and to the point. I was married for 7 years to a "man" that abused me mentally and physically. Some "small" things that happened to ...


HELP!! My 3 Yr Old Won't Stop Getting in Fish Tank

N.M. asks from Bloomington

I have a 55 gallon fish tank that is on a stand. My 3 yr old son likes to stick his hand in the fish tank and pull up the plants...luckly they are not real. So, he ...


What to Do When a Stepfather Is Inappropriate to His Stepdaughter

S.L. asks from Phoenix

My sixteen year old babysitter recently confided in me that her stepfather was making inappropriate comments to her. He text messages her constantly with innuendos a...


4 Year Old Wetting on Self

P.L. asks from St. Joseph

My four year (he just turned 4 three weeks ago) has started wetting himself. For the last few days he has had an accident at school and peed the bed at night. Is th...


My Marriage

B.H. asks from Oklahoma City

How to you get out of a mearriage your not happy in anymore? My husband is mean to me and our girls all the time and I have had enough but I'm scared to leave because...


Marriage Advice

A.K. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Moms, I am in a really bad marriage and am trying marital counseling. I am finding though, that the harder and longer I try to maintain the marriage, I feel mor...


Seeking Help with a Uncooperative Ex

J.J. asks from Louisville

To make a long story short my husband left me when my little boy was 5 month old for another woman. my son is now three. My ex lives with the woman he left me for (t...


Too Late to Change Teachers??

L.D. asks from Hartford

My son is in 4th grade. We have had trouble with his teacher all year and it isn't getting any better. After a major meeting with her and the principal 2 weeks ago,...


Hard Time with Being Single

S.S. asks from Seattle

So Today I became a single mom. I was wondering if anyone has any helpful words on how to deal with being alone through raising a baby. It's very hard for me all of a...

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