abuse of children

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Results 71-80 from 164 articles

3 Yr Old Won't Talk

C.M. asks from San Francisco

and Josiah has changed dramatically. Before their dad left there was a lot of disfunction in the home. I started noticing that Josiah was starting to mumble and talk ...


ADHD Medicine for My Son

C.R. asks from Boston

my son was diagnosed with ADHD and i have tried to do the whole strict rutine with him to avoid the medicine and tired to keep him on the dialt schedule but it seams ...


How to Tell a Mom She's Being Unsafe

J.A. asks from Los Angeles

I baby-sit 2 kids for a women that works with my Mom. Their b-days are April of '05 and October of '06. They have 3 convertible car seats and one NO BACK BOOSTER. Cur...


Help with Ear Infection

M.S. asks from Chicago

Ok, so my daughter never had ear infections when she was a baby, so i am not too good at this topic. She is fine during the day, but at night she wakes up within two...



M.D. asks from San Francisco

Our neighbor, who is a 12 year old boy and plays with my son frequently, came to our door with a bloody nose and crying. He said his Dad hit him and he wasn't allowed...



S. asks from St. Louis

My son was recently what I consider neglected at his daycare. Long story short, he was left in a room by himself in the dark screaming and crying. By the time my husb...


How to Know When to Give Up ?

P.C. asks from Austin

Hello ladies , First off let me say thank You all in advance . I read Your post daily with your advice for one another . I never thought I would be posting this...


Questions on Teaching an 11 Yr Old. Sex Ed.

C.C. asks from Dallas

Ok...here's a tough one. My eleven year old, Anthony, told me the other day that he knows he can't get a girl pregnant because his 10 year old friend told him that he...


Niece Bruses Very Easily

V.S. asks from Detroit

Hello everyone, recently my 1 & 1/2 year old niece has been bruising very badly and easily. She is your typical toddler (kind of clumsey). It has gotten to the point...



T.B. asks from Albuquerque

I have a 2 year old son who likes to spend time with my in laws but i am Scared to leave him alone with then. Because the last few time i have lift him there he comes...

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Answer Highlights

  • call child protective services in 3 answers "Call Child Protective Services ASAP. If his father is willing to hit him and let ..."
  • your boyfriend and his mother in 4 answers "I hope your boyfriend and his mother understand and make changes but if they don't ..."
  • second hand smoke in 5 answers "One of the leading causes of ear infections in children is second hand smoke."
  • elective mutism in 2 answers "... I'd have to agree with them: could be emotional trauma, could be elective mutism ..."
  • spend time with your parents in 2 answers "... mention the fact that he does not want your son to spend time with your parents ..."