a colicy baby

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Help! My Baby Cries All the Time.

H.D. asks from Dallas

My 3 mo. Old little boy cries the majority of the day. In the mornings he is happy and content to lay on the floor and play. As the day goes on he gets more and more ...


Help Screaming Baby All Day!!!

A.F. asks from Fayetteville

My son is a month old and today he hasn't slept more then 30 minutes and won't stop crying. I have fed and changed him like he needs and I cuddle with him but he stil...


Baby Cries Constatnly

M.S. asks from New York

Need suggestions for a 2.5 week old who cries OCNSTATNLY on an emergency level for EVERYTHING. The only time he is quiet is after I feed him and when he is sleeping. ...


How to Help Baby Sleep

M.S. asks from San Francisco

I have a 3 month old girl who, since birth, has had trouble getting herself to sleep. What do I mean by this? Well, the first month she needed to breast-feed to sleep...


Naps Without CIO! 6 Month Old Baby That Wont Nap

T.D. asks from Syracuse

hi, im the mommy of a 6 month old baby boy. He sleeps really good at night, usually from 8 to 7 am but he wont nap! we have tried to let him tried for 15 min interval...


Dont Know What to Do

J.G. asks from Tucson

I am a mother of 3, a spirited 51/2 yr old a busy 14montlh old and now a colicy 2 month old who i was exclusivly breastfeeding untill about a month ago. I started sup...


Pumping for Others

J.S. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 3mnth old daughter and 4mnth old niece. I breastfeed my daughter, but my sister feeds my niece formula, would it be appropriate to offer my breastmilk to my ...


Need Help Getting Baby to Sleep at Night!!

T.N. asks from Utica

Anyone have any ideas how I can get me 7 week old to sleep at night, I have tried just about everything I can think of and nothing works she sleeps most of the day, a...


Baby Screams and Cries Every Night Now!

A.G. asks from Houston

This is my 3rd child, I am well seasoned. This is the first child I have who seems inconsolable. I breastfeed, co sleep. Make sure he's dry, burp him, sing to him, ro...


Help Introducing Pacifier to Breastfed Baby

C.K. asks from New York

My adorable 6 week old has been breastfed from birth. Starting at 3 weeks he regularly received a bottle for a nighttime feeding. We tried a pacifier with him off and...

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