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Need Baby Boy Names

B.H. asks from Minneapolis

My sister and her husband are expecting a baby boy in May. They are having a very hard time agreeing on a name. She likes more modern names and he's more into traditi...


Would You Hire a Boy Babysitter?

S.C. asks from Dallas

My 12 year old son wants to start babysitting. He really likes kids and wants to start saving for a car so he thinks babysitting will be a great way to do that. I ...


12 Year Old Boy

V.C. asks from Washington DC

I have a 12 year old boy , that will not follow directions, wants to do what he wants & thinks we are always picking on him or putting him down. Any Ideas?


My Young Daughter Wants to Be a Boy

S.A. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, My 5 year old daughter wants to wear "boy clothes" and says she is a boy. This started when her brother was born but that was 3 years ago. She still does it...


Baby Boy Name Suggestions

H.S. asks from Johnson City

Hi! I am 22 weeks pregnant with my second child, and I recently found out that we're expecting another baby boy. With both of my pregnancies, I had no problem comin...


Neighbor Boy and My Son

D.S. asks from Tulsa

We moved here about 2 years ago and I really wanted my son to find someone to play with. About 3 months ago this little boy moved in next door and him and my son hit...


Son Likes B-ball Practice, but Won't Play in Games!

L.K. asks from Kansas City

Hello Moms, My six-year-old is having a difficult time with his basketball league right now. He's on a kindergarten team, and he enjoys practice and does well, but...


What to Do About Daughter Picked on by Boy in Kindergarten?

A.S. asks from Sacramento

My daughter has been picked on by the same little boy several times in school. First, he told her that he didn't like her name and that she should go home and ask her...


Normal Boy Behavior?

C.S. asks from Los Angeles

I was telling my 5 year old the story of Snow White last night and when I said that Snow White triumphed in the end, he was disappointed and wanted me to change the e...


Is It Too Early for a Big Boy Bed?

K.Z. asks from Harrisburg

I've talked about this with my mom and other parents that are older than me (their kids are all 15 and older). My son will be two next month, and he's never shown any...

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