3 week old baby development

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My Four Week Old's Sleeping Habits

M.K. asks from Dallas

I'm a single mom of a precious four week old baby boy. He is the love of my life. However, I am concerned that he is only sleeping for about an hour and a half at a t...


2 Week Old Sour Stomach

D.T. asks from Dothan

I have a 2 week old baby girl. Every night between 2am and 4am she screams in pain and curls up in a ball and passes a lot of gas. SHe also poops every 3 hours. Her...


15 Week Old Goes to Bed Too Early

M.W. asks from Chicago

I have been able to get my 15 week old on somewhat of a daytime nap schedule (up for 1 1/2 hr then down for a nap). He get cranky if I try and keep him up any longer...


5 Week Old and Number of Feedings

K.R. asks from Birmingham

i have a five week old little girl, which i am exclusively breastfeeding. she nurses every 2-3 hours even through the night. i am exhausted. when does the number o...


8 Week Old Waking at 4 a.m.

T.M. asks from Boston

I have an eight-week-old, breastfeeding, baby boy. We're making progress getting him to sleep at night (takes a bottle from Dad at 10:30, sleeps until about 2, nurses...


How Do I Get My 4 Week Old on a Schedule?

S.M. asks from Dallas

I have a 4 week old baby. This is my second baby, but my daughter is 10 years old, so it's has been so long, I don't remember how I got her to be on a schedule. I am ...


Nighttime Sleep Problems with 7 Week Old

K.V. asks from Phoenix

I have a 7 week old who, despite my attempts at follwing the "Baby Wise" techniques, is not sleeping for longer than 2 1/2 hours at night. She is very good about eati...


7 Week Old Only Sleeps Held or with Mom/dad

C.Q. asks from San Francisco

I have a 7 week old baby girl who has rejected the bassinet from day one. We tried for over a week to help her sleep in the bassinet but with no success. We tried p...


Sleep Schedule for 7 Week Old

A.E. asks from Los Angeles

I am working on eliminating one of the two night feedings (between 10pm and 6am) for my 7 week old baby girl. She goes 3-4 hours between feedings, is over 13 lbs, has...


4 Week Old Sleeps Better on Tummy!

M.D. asks from San Francisco

Hi moms. We have been putting our 4 week old on his tummy during the day and staying right there and he sleeps so much better. At night, now he is not wanting to slee...

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