2 year old vomiting at night

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Need Info on Adenoid Removal of 2 Year Old

K. asks from Tampa

My 2 year old is scheduled to have his very large adenoids removed in 2 weeks as well as have exploratory surgery and biopsy of his voice box. Does anyone else have ...


It's After Midnight and My 2 Year Old Just Now Went to Sleep!

C.H. asks from Kansas City

I know... All those new moms with babies crying in the middle of the night every 2-3 hours will not feel sorry for me, but I am so exhausted with my 2 year old's slee...


9 Year Old Vomiting with Headache

R.C. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 9 year old son who has started throwing up for the last month or two for no apparent reason. As a toddler he had acid reflux, he never threw up but he would...


2 Year Old with Chronic Cough Til She Vomits- Any Remedies??

T.P. asks from Salinas

I have a 2 year old baby girl with a cough that just won't go away. She doesn't have any other symptoms either. She had a cold about a week or more prior to the cough...


14 Month Old Throwing up Only at Night

J.P. asks from Philadelphia

Hi Ladies, My 14 month old seems to throw up 2+ times a night. This started to occur last Thursday night. He is perfectly fine during the day. We are still nurs...


2 Year old...can I Give Cold Medication?

L.W. asks from Cincinnati

Hi Ladies I know a few years ago they took the infant cold medications off the shelf. However (for some reason) was under the impression that once a child turned 2,...


2 1/2 Year Old Son "Can't" Fall Asleep on His Own ...

T.C. asks from Detroit

I've never asked a question on here - but I am at my wits end! I have a BRILLIANT (of course I think so, I'm his MOM!) 2 1/2 year old son. He's been thru the ring...


8 Month Old Not Sleeping Through Night or on Own

A.L. asks from Los Angeles

Hello ladies! I am in need of some suggestions on how to get my little one to sleep through the night in her own crib again. She did well from 3-7 months, then we gra...


2 Questions

T.W. asks from Miami

Ok so i have 2 question. the first one being i have a 2.5 month old. and his hair is starting to bald n the back of his head from the friction of being on his back. A...


2 Year Old Sick with the Flu

M.B. asks from Salt Lake City

Hello. My daughter will be 2 next month. She has been terribly sick. I have taken her to the doctor 2 times. I was told that she could have influenza. My concern is t...

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