white baby crib

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Transferring from a Swing to Crib for Sleeping?

K.M. asks from Denver

My 11 week old has always slept in a swing. We are trying desperately to get him to sleep in his crib. I'll rock him or hold him until he falls asleep and then lay hi...


Can't Get My Daughter to Sleep in Her Crib

L.G. asks from Atlanta

My daughter is 17 mnths. With her being in the hospital for so long after she was born and coming home on a apnea monitor machine, I had her sleep in my bed with me. ...


Advice on "Safety Issues" in the Crib

J.U. asks from Boca Raton

My daughter is 8 months old and she is standing up in her crib; I was told I should take down the bumper now so she cannot use it to boost herself up any higher. My c...


8 Month Old Baby Won't Sleep in Crib

L.J. asks from Missoula

My daughter will be eight months old on January 26th and has been co-sleeping with me and my husband since she was born. I know this was a mistake, everyone told us i...


Breath Holding Spells in Crib

L.J. asks from Minneapolis

Hi there, My 8 month old daughter has been having frequent breath holding spells that lead to passing out if I don't intervene. She has just started having them in ...


How Do I Transition My Todder from Her Crib to a Bed?

B.W. asks from Baton Rouge

I thought I was going to have to do this months ago when my daughter climbed out of her crib but she never tried again. Now she is 26 months old and is now able to c...


Switching from Crib to Bed

L.G. asks from Phoenix

My friends and I were talking about when the stopped putting their kids in a crib and switching over to a bed. One lady said 1 year for her first and just a little b...


What Crib Mobile to Buy/are They Worth It?

J.S. asks from Phoenix

I got my crib bedding on clearance and can not get the matching mobile. I've read a lot of bad reviews of several mobiles and wondered if anyone had one they really ...


Baby Naps During the Day in Crib but Will Only Sleep at Night in Carseat

L.W. asks from Cincinnati

Ok my subject is just what I need. My baby will nap great during the day. and my baby sleeps great at night (6-8 stretch, wakes only to feed and she is off for anothe...


Need Help Getting Baby Boy to Sleep in Crib!!

A.T. asks from Washington DC

My son is 3 1/2 months old. During the days he hasn't ever liked to sleep in his crib and I've managed to either make due with holding him or by putting him in his s...

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