white baby crib

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Results 71-80 from 2,993 articles

Swing vs Crib for Naps

L.K. asks from Buffalo

I'm looking for some advice about daytime napping for my 3 1/2 month old daughter. My first child was a swing napper until she was almost 6 months old. I told myself ...


Crib Recalls & Recommendations

M.M. asks from New York

Just found out our Ellis Simplicity crib has been recalled. The manufact. is out of business. We have to take the thing back to Target and receive a refund, credit or...


Is It Unsafe to Use a Baby Crib Bumper past a Certain Age?

K.G. asks from San Diego

Hello! I'm putting together a crib for my six month old and noticed a tag on the bumper that says to remove it when baby can pull herself to standing and sit unaided....


Is She Getting Too Old for the Crib?

K.B. asks from Sioux City

Well, my DD is 2 1/2, she'll be three in April. She's still in her crib. At around 9 months or so, she started to try to climb out of her crib...one day I actually fo...


Suggestions for Soothing Crib Toys

R.S. asks from Chicago

Hello, Anyone have any suggestions on a soothing crib toy/object I can place in my daughter's crib (or hook on)? I'd like to find something that can help her drift...


Help!! -- White Spots on 10 1/2 Month Old's Teeth

G.M. asks from San Francisco

Hi Moms, I just noticed some white spots on my 10 1/2 month daughter's two front top teeth. I noticed them last week in the (outdoor) daylight and later that day ...


Crib Vs. Bassinet

M.R. asks from Provo

We are buying items for our first child who is on the way soon :). I am looking at all the things to buy, and was wondering about a crib vs . bassinet. I know bassin...


Using Bumpers in the Crib

N.D. asks from Boston

Hi - I'd appreciate any advice on this. I have a 6 month old daughter and my pedi. told me not to put any bumpers on the crib because of the rsik of SIDS (new resear...


Trouble with Sleeping in Crib During Naps

R.R. asks from Los Angeles

Hi all!!! My son is 8 months old and is a co-sleeper, which I am more than happy to do. He sleeps all night and is breastfed. The only problem is that during the day,...


Does Anyone Have a Crib They Absolutely Love?

C.V. asks from Detroit

Im about to buy our crib and looking for some brands/styles to consider (good price, good quality, safe, easy to assemble) and also some to stear clear of. Also pleas...

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Answer Highlights

  • door knob covers in 3 answers "You can buy door knob covers to keep her inside and out of rooms you don't want her ..."
  • american academy of pediatrics in 2 answers "... his or her face is very close to the bumper. The American Academy of Pediatrics ..."
  • get a breathable bumper in 2 answers "I you are concerned, you can get a breathable bumper that keeps the arms and legs ..."
  • put a gate in her doorway in 2 answers "... right about her getting into things, you can always put a gate in her doorway ..."
  • use a bumper pad in 2 answers "... arms and legs through the crib slats, and feel that they must use a bumper pad ..."