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Results 51-60 from 347 articles

Staying Home - Better When Kids Are Babies or Older and in School?

S.J. asks from St. Louis

For those moms who have been through both, meaning you have been a SAHM mom throughout the duration of your child's(ren's) life, and they are now in school, do you th...


Stay at Home Moms Whose Kids Are in School

D.P. asks from Sacramento

To all the moms out there who are not working and kids are in school all day, how do you plan your day, what do you do while the kids are gone and how do you motivate...


The Nest Is Emptying in 10 Days - Mixed Emotions

M.M. asks from Dallas

Hi wonderful tribe of Mammas....well the twins are off to college in 10 days and I have such mixed emotions. I am so proud of the young women they have become but I ...


Moms Who Worked While the Kids Were Young - Then Became SAHM

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I want to hear from moms who worked while the kids were small and then stayed home when the kids were a bit older. I am 33 and we might have one more baby in the fu...


Getting Back into the Work-force

A.C. asks from San Francisco

Hi there, I have been a stay-at-home mom for the past 3 years and would like to go back to work part-time. I feel as if employers dont give me a chance as I have be...


2 Or 3 Children

L.C. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Mommies, I currently have 2 girls (4 and almost 2). I am 37. If I have another one, I want it to be real soon. I miss the baby stage already soooo much. I loved...


Mom Advice

J.H. asks from Rochester

this is for all you moms out there...i am not a mother yet however me and my mom are extremely close best friends she is my everything and i am hers i have 2 other si...


Private School?

E.L. asks from Dallas

I will be meeting with a private school for my 4 year old son. What should I look for or ask? This is a first for me so any and all help/advice will be greatly appr...


Building Your Own "Family"

R.H. asks from Houston

ONLY due to strained and estranged family relationships, how have you built your NEW AND SEPERATE own 'family' apart from your family or extended family of birth/orig...


Any Teacher Out There???

P. asks from Houston

Hello mamasource moms, Yes, it's me again. I've been asking a few questions on work-at-home employment and so far no luck! Now, I have a great new idea so that I...

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Answer Highlights

  • when they get home from school in 3 answers "... is more important when they are older to be home when they get home from school."
  • empty nest blues in 2 answers "... a woman who said it took her four years to completely lose the empty nest blues ..."
  • live your own life in 2 answers "YOU have to live your own life."
  • when they are young in 4 answers "Staying home when they are young and home all day is draining and our interactions ..."
  • when they are babies in 3 answers "I think it is more important to be home with them when they are babies."