vitamin d calcium

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Question About No Cow's Milk and Alternate Source for Calcium

A.M. asks from Atlanta

I'm just curious about those who don't give their children cow's milk, what is your source of Calcium? And do your children get vitamin suppliments on a regular basis?


Does Anyone Else Have Vitamin D Deficiency?

J.M. asks from Boston

I have been feeling lousy since Valentines Day when I got the vomit bug, I went to my Dr. complaining that I had yet to return to my old self and he did blood work wh...


Vitamin D and Everything Else the Medical Profs Tell Us Now...

J.P. asks from Austin

So I just took my 3 month old to the pedi and she gave me the evil eye for not putting my LO on vitamin D supplements. I told her I didn't with my first - who is now ...


Suggestions of High Calcium Foods for Toddler

M.P. asks from San Francisco

My 18 month daughter won't drink milk so I am constantly trying to get calcium into her. Any clever high calcium suggestions would be really appreciated! For instance...


High Calcium Foods for Child Who Can't Have Dairy

B.D. asks from Grand Rapids

Does anyone know a list of food with high calcium? My one year old can't have dairy or eggs and I don't want him to have brittle bones due to the lack of calcium. I...


Vitamin D3 Question

♥.O. asks from Washington DC

I was told by my doctor that my Vitamin D levels are too low and that I should take Vitamin D3 2,000 IU. I currently have Vitamin D3 1,000 IU. I went to 3 different s...


Low Liver Enzymes, Low Vitamin D, and an Out of Control Thyroid

R.D. asks from Wichita

Hey everyone, I recently went to the dr. because I am so exhausted and run down all of the time. I have a genetic disorder that affects my b6 and b12, so I thought m...


What to Do About Calcium(sp)

H.P. asks from Oklahoma City

Both of my girls will not drink milk. I have tried to put chocolate syrup and nesquick (chocolate and strawberry) in it, but that still doesn't help. My 4yo will eat ...


Thinking of Giving up Cow's Milk. Then Where Do You Get Calcium and How Much?

L.A. asks from Minneapolis

I was raised with all the messages about "milk it does a body good" and milk has calcium. I know other foods have calcium, like broccoli for instance, but I don't kn...


Seeking a Good Daily Vitamin

M.C. asks from Nashville

I am 28 years old and think that I would like to start taking a daily vitamin. My mother has osteoporosis and I know that I need to start a calcium supplement as well...

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